X=0.597 CT=9.8°C LV-42.5 RG=20.8 Li-0.812
Y=0.416 10:19:54 35/03/24 AP=0
Fig. 5. Thermogram with vision image contour.
CT*5.5'C Lv-42.8 AG=20.0 Li=0.620
'Ysn.510 10:15:08 950/24 AP=N
Fig. 6. Converted thermograms and vision images after
2.1 Possibility for terrain display
The application of new technologies resulting from tech-
nical development often causes excessive pollution of
soil. It can be examplified by distribution of large quanti-
ties of petroleum for chemical industry and transport.
(Lubecki, A., 1995) Damages of pipelines sending petro-
leum take place more often. The present bases of fuel
with tanks of few thousand tons capacity do not belong
to a young generation. It all happens in a given nature
environment and it causes its potential hazard. Some
phenomena atributed to the hazard may be directly lo-
calized but it is necessary to analyse polluted areas in
non-contact way particularly in inaccessible, dangerous
and large areas or incase when they cannot be investi-
gated by other methods. Thermal system equipped with
additional vision channel which enables the determina-
tion of ranges of contaminating substances influence
can be used for lokalization the occurance of a given
thermal energy as a consequence of environment pollu-
tion. Thermovision allows registration of thermal anoma-
lies on the terrain surface and their interpretation when
technical state of objects is concerned.
The subject of undertaken investigations concerns the
areas over tanks and in their neighbourhood which were
registered on thermograms. The images underwent
computer processing which allows the analysis of situ-
ation in different temperature ranges. It has already be-
en pointed out that numerous unfavourable changes ta-
ke placeon the area polluted by petroleum. Water per-
meability of soil is limited about 12 times, potential and
effective retention as well as capillary capacity are de-
creased. The amount of carbon increases 7 times which
is a consequence of appearing large quantities of oxi-
dable organic substance, oxidizing-reductive potential of
soil changes and its biological efficiency decreases. The
amount of potassium and phosphorus available forms
decreases several times. Generalnumber of microorga-
nisms particularly oxygen-free increases at the cost of
oxygen forms. The changes of spectral brightness on
the polluted surface of the soilwith the increase of petro-
leum origin compounds take place. It was assumed that
the leaks petroleum origin substances into soil caused
the development of biodegradation of these substance-
sand they were expressed by the emission coefficient
and thermal capacity changes. General so called
„tiredness” of environment as a result of permanet pre-
sence of fuels in soil helps in capturing the state of envi-
ronment pollution on the basis of thermal images. The
estimations of soil contamination in the terrain was car-
ried out by a probe KVA determining quantitatively gene-
ral hydrocarbons in the soil air by Kitagawa and
Drüger's indicator tubes in the range from 100 to 2500
ppm. Thermal vision of fuel base together with its surro-
unding was made on 24th July, 1994 at night hours from
the height of 500m. The whole area was visualized in
three series. The option of gaining thermal images as a
film was used for its presentation.
2.2. Uunderground fuel tanks
An optimal surface thermal moder of underground tank
was made after detailed computer processing of thermal
images of three underground tanks filled with fuel.
Such model should present:
- inside circle with highest temperature
- outside concrete ring with lowest temperature
- outside area of the ring with iowest temperature, pre
senting cooling zones of a tank
Three tanks have got the shape of circles with equal a-
rea and capacity. The temperature on thermograms
range between 18,6 and 26,4°C. The direct surrounding
of the tanks is covered with grassy plants whereas there
is lackof any plants in a further distance. The temperatu-
res on the thermograps themselves are higher and they
are placed in the range 24,1 - 26,4°C. Analysing them it
was stated that the tanks Z1 and Z2 correspond to the
above thermal diagram. However, the tank Z3 differed
from the model which was a consequence of its weaker
cooling (Lubecki, A., 1996) - fig. 7.
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B1. Vienna 1996
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