Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B1)

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TR3 - During the situation of conflict, this state holds the 
system in case of an event 0 occurrence. That means, a 
probable beginning of a new message has happened; 
ZR3 - Analogue to ZR1 and ZR2, in this case dealing with 
situation of conflict; 
SC3 - Analogue to SC1, in this case dealing with situation of 
RIN - This state holds the system whenever the following 
situation happens: the last message has probably been 
received wrong. In order to confirm that error, the 
message standard which occurs in the beginning of the 
message header has to be searched for in the message data 
TR4, ZR4 - Analogue to TR2 and ZR2, in this case dealing 
with the identification of the wrong message; 
END - The final state in which the system closes the messages 
block analysis. 
The action, which has to be taken in each state of the system 
when an associated event occurs, is represented in the FIGURE 
3 by the symbols Ai, where i is the number of the action. The 
actions are responsible to make conclusions in each specific 
case of the finite state automaton. In addition, the actions 
always read the next character in the message in order to 
identify the next event. As presented in FIGURE 3, the 
following actions are executed by this finite state automaton: 
A] - It identifies the characters which represent the pattern of 
the beginning of the message header; 
A2 - It is executed whenever an EOF character is found without 
none message header pattern has been recognized. That 
means, the message is unknown. It is stored in the data 
base as a special data in order to be analyzed later on; 
A3 - It is executed whenever a message header pattern is 
supposed to be considered data field; 
A4 - It is executed whenever, in the message beginning, a 
different character is read instead of the expected 
character in the message header; 
AS - It is executed whenever an EOF character is found just 
after the last DCP message in the messages block being 
completed. That means, although some additional 
characters have been found at the end of the message 
block, the last DCP message is successful; 
A6 - It is executed whenever an EOF character is found in the 
message data field. That means, the last DCP message in 
the messages block is truncated; 
A7 - It is executed whenever an EOF character is found 
immediately after the last DCP message in the messages 
block being completed. That means, the last DCP 
message is successful; 
AS8 - It is executed whenever the header standard of a new 
message is identified immediately after the last message 
being successful completed. As a conclusion, the last 
message format analysis was successful and a new DCP 
message is in analysis right then; 
A9 - It is executed whenever an EOF character is found during 
the recognition process of the pattern that identifies a new 
DCP message in the messages block. Therefore, the 
conclusion in that case is that the last DCP message is 
A10 - It is executed whenever, during a situation of conflict, the 
pattern that identifies a new DCP message in the 
messages block, is found. That means, the last DCP 
message has been considered truncated or some extra 
characters have been aggregated to it. Anyway, a new 
DCP message is in analysis right then; 
All - It is executed after the three first octets of the message 
header being recognized. It works on the other header 
fields of the message in order to consume them, until 
matching the synchronism word; 
A12 - It is executed after a synchronism word being successful 
detected. It works on data field consumption; 
A13 - Although the pattern which represents the beginning of a 
new DCP message has been found, the action A13 is 
executed whenever the synchronism word has not been 
matched. That means, the last message is considered 
A14 - It is executed whenever, during a situation of conflict, an 
EOF character is found, just before the synchronism word 
being verified. In that case, the situation of conflict has 
not been well solved. As a conclusion, the last DCP 
message in the messages block is considered wrong. 
In order to implement the SCMCD acquisition module, the 
finite state automaton which was designed to analyze the DCP 
message format and presented in FIGURE 3 was mapped in a 
decision table. This table was implemented in C-language, 
using a matrix where their rows represent the automaton states 
and their columns characterize the associated events. The 
elements of the matrix define both the action which has to be 
taken in every state of the system for each event occurrence, 
and the next state in which the system shall remain waiting for 
the next event occurrence. 
The advantage of the decision table implementation is 
concerned with the walkthrough facility on the table. This 
mechanism of control is independent of the actions, events and 
states which are managed by the decision table. Therefore, this 
kind of implementation allows the code re-utilization. In case 
another finite state automaton implementation is required, 
beside the actions specific code, only the decision table contents 
have to be changed. 
Another relevant aspect of the SCMCD acquisition module 
implementation refers to its capacity of distinguishing the 
different message formats. That is done by associating each 
message to a logical channel which is designed by software 
mechanisms. This is so because the original sites of the 
messages are different. 
Just like the finite state automaton presented for DCP message 
analysis in SDID format, other finite state automatons have 
been implemented in the SCMCD software acquisition module 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B1. Vienna 1996 

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