Object: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
using the existing registrations in the ATKIS map data base (Wal- 
ter, 2000). Experiments combining multi-spectral images (RGB, 
colour infra red — CIR) with height information and reduction of 
the information to generic surface types, have shown that it is 
possible to perform automatic change detection with a satisfac- 
tory accuracy (Petzold and Walter, 1999, Petzold, 2000) (note, 
however, that the accuracy requirements for ATKIS are some- 
what lower than for TOP10DK (Kort & Matrikelstyrelsen, 2001, 
AVLBD, 1988)). The change detection leads to a “change map” 
where the generic objects are divided in three classes: no change, 
possible change and change. 
In the Swiss ATOMI project, aerial colour photos, a high res- 
olution Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and a Digital Surface 
Model (DSM) are used aiming at the enhancement of the plani- 
metric accuracy for the 2D VECTOR25 database (Eidenbenz et 
al., 2000, Niederóst, 2003). The surface model is generated by 
auto-correlation in aerial photographs in the scale of 1:10.000 and 
is used as the primary data source. Image information (RGB/CIR) 
is primarily used to discern man made objects from natural ob- 
jects (buildings vs. vegetation). 
Data from the digital multi spectral camera High Resolution Stereo 
Camera—Airborne, HRSC-A (Neukum, 1999) is evaluated and 
used within the Dutch project (Asperen, 1996, Hoffmann et al., 
2000). The HRSC-A data set includes high-resolution (15 cm) 
spectral data (RGB and CIR) and an automatically generated 
high resolution surface model from stereo matching, 
A new change detection project within the framework of Eu- 
roSDR is about to start up later this year. The emphasis is on de- 
velopment of methods for localising changes in land cover from 
very high resolution imagery, the integration of change maps in 
the updating process and finally comparison of different methods 
for change detection (EuroSDR, 2004). 
The change detection procedure presented in section 3 below, is 
evaluated using datasets mainly associated with the development 
and updating of the Danish TOP10DK topographical map data 
2.1 RGB images 
For the establishment and update of TOPIODK traditional RGB 
aerial photographs have been used. All images are taken from an 
altitude of approximately 3800 m leading to a scale of 1:25.000. 
Each image covers an area of 6 km by 6 km and has a forward 
lap of 60 percent and a side lap of 20 percent. As part of the 
production work-flow the photos are scanned at a resolution of 
21 um, leading to 350 MB of data, and a spatial pixel resolution 
of 0.5 m at ground level. The photos were taken as part of a flight 
campaign in April 2000. 
2.2 Digital Surface Model (DSM) 
As was described by Knudsen and Olsen (2003) it is very dif- 
ficult to locate changes in the building layer using single aerial 
images and hence only using spectral information in combina- 
tion with size and form considerations. Therefore a high reso- 
lution digital surface model (DSM) with a grid size of 1 meter 
covering a test area in Lyngby, north of Copenhagen, has been 
generated to facilitate the building detection. The dataset was 
collected and made available for these studies by the Danish en- 
gineering and mapping company COWL. Data were collected in 
May-June 2001 using the TOPOSYSI system (Toposys, 2004, 
Baltsavias, 1999) which only record first responses of the pulse. 
The expected height accuracy is approximately 0.15 m. 
2.3 Digital Map Database 
The building theme from TOP10DK has been selected as target 
for the update procedure. TOPIODK is a fully 3D map database, 
including 51 object types (building, lake, highway ...) organised 
in 8 classes (traffic, water ...). The precision of the database is 
better than 1 meter both horizontally and vertically. For change 
detection in the building layer, only new buildings larger than 25 
m? and changes of building size larger than 10 m? are considered. 
The method presented is a revision of a method described by 
Olsen et al. (2002) and Knudsen and Olsen (2003). It is based on 
classification principles, using existing object registrations in the 
map database as training areas in order to determine the charac- 
teristics of the different classes used to search for and build the 
object model. As it is very difficult to generate an unambiguous 
object model for buildings using only spectral information, the 
revised method also incorporates height information in the form 
of high resolution DSM data e.g. from LIDAR or photogrammet- 
ric auto-correlation to distinguish between objects in terrain from 
objects above terrain. 
3.1 The method step by step 
The method which consists of three steps, preparation, classifi- 
cation, and detection is outlined in figure 2. 
Two major assumptions have to be fulfilled for the change detec- 
tion procedure to be successful: 
(1) The number of changes in a given class (e.g. building) must 
be much smaller than the number of objects used to describe the 
class. This is valid for most urban areas. 
(2) New objects must share the same spectral characteristics as 
the existing objects used to generate the object model. This is 
often the case as only a small number of roofing materials is in 
common use. 
3.1.1 Preparation: The preparation consists of a data fusion 
step to bring the data sets into a common reference frame and a 
preprocessing step where various enhancement methods are ap- 
plied to the data data to prepare them for the change detection 
Data fusion: as objects from the existing digital map database 
is to be used as training areas for the determination of the class 
characteristics. image data (raster) and the map database (vector) 
must be co-registered. Generally co-registration can be done el 
ther by registration of the image data to the map database or by 
registration of the map database to the image data. 
The most used method is registration of image data to the map 
database. Howeyer the method has the disadvantage that most 
image data types (aerial photos) have to be re-sampled as rectified 
images or orthophotos. For the data sets to fit completely to each 
other a high precision elevation model, including description of 
man made objects (buildings, bridges etc.) must be available (i.e. 
a Digital Surface Model. DSM). 

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