Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B1)

affine distortions. The other scanners deliver great differences 
between affine error and Helmert errors. Consequently this 
factor may be an additional criterion in an assessment of a 
scanner’s geometric quality. A large RMS error difference be- 
tween Helmert transformation and affine transformation leads 
to the the conclusion that the evaluated scanner produces 
a difference in pixelsize between x and y directions. When 
scanning with the single line principle this may be caused by 
unstable or incorrect speed of the moving CCD. 
7.6 Repeatability measurements 
The repeatability of geometric accuracy results for a DTP 
scanner and a high performance film scanner is assessed in 
Table 4. For the repeatability measurements every subse- 
quent test scan has to be executed at the same and highly 
stable conditions. Therefore it is essential to place the test 
target for every scan at exactly the same position on the 
scanning region when doing the repeatability test. Further 
possible vibrations of the scanner caused by the scanners en- 
vironment, which can lead to additional unwanted digitizing 
errors, have to be avoided. 
Scanner trans- res. Mean Stdev 
form. of RMS of RMS 
error error 
um dpi um / pixel um 
DTP helm. 63.6/400 108.0/1.7 0.3 
scanner aff. 63.6/400 17.0/0.3 0.3 
high perf. helm. 8.5/3000 0.5/4.7 0.1 
scanner aff. 8.5/3000 0.4/3.2 0.01 
Table 4: An investigation of measuring repeatability for a 
DTP and a high performance scanner. Geometric accuracy 
evaluation is taken for 10 mutually independent scans, where 
the test target for every scan is placed exactly on the same 
The repeatability of the investigated DTP scanner seems to 
be very good. The Mean of RMS errors and its standard 
deviation are computed for 10 mutually independent scans of 
the geomeric accuracy test target. The evaluation is based 
on a Helmert transformation as well as for affine transforma- 
tion. It is evident that the geometric error produced by the 
DTP scanner has a large stable portion and is therefore highly 
reproduceable. The remaining random variation of the error 
is in this case very small. Consequently an increase of geo- 
metric accuracy properties of the DTP scanner could possibly 
be achieved by the use of a calibration grid and built in cali- 
bration procedures. However the maximum resolution is too 
low to use the scanner as a photogrammetric device. When 
investigating the data delivered by the high performance geo- 
metric accuracy scanner, the change of geometric RMS error 
vectors between subsequent images is infinitely small, which 
shows the high geometric performance of this type of scanner. 
A system for the geometric accuracy evaluation of scanners is 
presented. It can be used to obtain the geometric properties 
of various types of scanners, from the low cost DTP to high 
performance film devices. The analysis is possible by man- 
ual visual or fully automated methods using algorithms and 
achieves an accuracy which is sufficient for detection of local 
as well as global geometric behavior. It can be shown that 
the precision of the scanner investigation is highly dependent 
on the appearance of the underlying geometric accuracy tar- 
get. Visual analysis may result in a bias by a specific human 
analyst. Therefore, and for reasons of economy automated 
algorithms are prefered to produce test results. Of course vi- 
sual analysis will continue as an important part of a scanner's 
evaluation because visual analysis is the only way to detect 
visual artifacts. Scanner evaluation results may by used for 
comparison between scanners as well as for detection of long 
term stability and can serve as a basis of geometric scanner 
calibration. The experimental results show the usability of the 
proposed algorithms implemented in the SCANEVAL system 
for geometric accuracy evaluation. 
This work was partly supported by the 'Osterreichische Na- 
tionalbank Jubilaumsfond’, project 5821. 
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International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B1. Vienna 1996 

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