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algorithms. The first way is to identify all factors
involved in causing unbalance and then quantitatively
model them. One may be able to quantitatively determine
some factors, but it will be very difficult to determine all
of them, because many random factors are also involved.
The first way has its theoretical foundation, but practi-
cally it is very hard to implement. The other method is to
establish a generic polynomial model for all factors, ran-
dom or not. First order polynomial represents a linear
model while the higher order polynomial describes non-
linear model. The generic solution method is easy to be
implemented and has been proven to be effective.
ImageDodge developed at PSI uses the generic solution
method and has been successfully used to process hun-
dreds of orthoimages.
Because of the complexity of radiometric unbalance, it is
very hard to find a set of parameters which is good for
all images. For example, we often see that orthoimages
for one project have different unbalance patterns, either
because original aerial photos were taken at different
times, or because orthoimages were generated out of dif-
ferent areas of original photos. In this kind of situation,
images have to be processed on a one by one basis, in-
stead of being processed in batch mode. Also, to process
one image, you may have to try several times to get the
best adjustment for brightness and contrast.
Two pairs of orthoimages are shown at the end of this
paper. Figure 1. Shows a pair of images with unbalanced
brightness and contrast. There is a mismatch between left
image and right image. The left side of each of the two
image is lighter than the right side. Figure 2. are the two
same images after being dodged by ImageDodge. In this
figure, it is hard to tell where the edges of the two images
With the increase production and use of orthoimages,
people now are paying more attention than before to im-
age radiometric quality. Because some problems which
are not that noticeable in individual orthoimages are very
apparent when orthoimages are mosaiced together. Ra-
diometric unbalance in brightness and contrast within
individual images is the biggest problem for image qual-
ity. Existing image processing software can reduce radio-
metric differences among images very effectively if the
images themselves are internally balanced. But they can
do little for internally unbalanced images. ImageDodge
developed at PSI has been successfully used to process
hundreds of orthoimages. But because the complexity of
radiometric unbalance, it now runs only under a manual
mode. The future research and development at PSI will
be focusing on investigating whether and how the dodg-
ing process can be automated, especially on finding a
way that can automatically and quantitatively determine
the amount of distortion.
Hussain, Z., 1991. Digital Image Processing. Ellis
Horwood Limited, England, pp. 213-218.
Kiefer, L., 1994. Remote Sensing And Image Interpreta-
tion. Third Edtion. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., USA, pp.
Knabenschuh, M., 1995. Radiometric correction of
orthophoto data. International Journal for Geomatics,
Vol.9, 10, pp.72-74.
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B1. Vienna 1996