Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B1)

Suppose: a) the ground E, has a slope, whose 
maximum € lies in the direction D: b) there is an object 
on E. (figure 9(1)). What is the sufficient area condition 
in this situation? It is known from geometry that the area 
of the object on the ground should include an ellipse 
(B,), whose long axis e, is in the direction D, and 
whose short axis e, is horizontal (figure 9(2)): 
eme AR (7) 
cos € 
so that the object can be detected at least by a complete 
SPOT-detector-grid. The area of the ellipse Su: is easily 
y af Re Dei? 
WT = 
= (8) 
The formula (8) is identical with the formula (6), if € =0. 
Therefore the formula (8) has universality. 
The sufficient area condition guarantees that an object on 
the ground can be detected at least by a panchromatic 
(multispectral) SPOT-detector-grid and recorded as a 
complete pixel in a SPOT-image. 
This condition is that the object's area on the ground must 
include an ellipse, whose long axis e, is in the direction 
with the greatest ground slope € and equal to 2R/ 
cos€ , and whose short axis e, is horizontal and equal to 
2 R. If the ground is smooth (€ =0), then this ellipse 
becomes a circle with the radius R (R =10/2m for a 
panchromatic SPOT-image; or 2042 m for a multispectral 
The above conclusions may be applied to other satellite 
images, if they are similar to SPOT-images in the aspects 
of imagery principle and pixel form. 
Here it should be particularly pointed out that an object, 
which can be surely identified or which can become at 
least a identifiable pixel on a SPOT-image, should meet 
not only the sufficient area condition, but also an other 
condition: there should be a considerable difference in 
spectral responsivity between the object and the other 
objects around it. The difference condition should be 
studied in the future. 
Begni, G., 1988. SPOT image quality: Twenty months of 
experience. Int. J. Remote Sensing 9(9), pp. 1409-1414. 
Cheng, F. and Thiel, K.-H., 1995. Delimiting the Building 
Heights in a City from the Shadow on a panchromatic 
SPOT-Image: Part 1. Test of 42 Buildings. Int. J. Remote 
Sensing, (16)3, pp. 409-415. 
Hartl, Ph. and Cheng, F., 1995. Delimiting the Building 
Heights in a City from the Shadow on a panchromatic 
SPOT-Image: Part 2. Test of a complete city. Int. J. 
Remote Sensing, (16)15, pp. 2829-2842. 
Dowman, |.J. and Peacegood, G., 1989. Information 
content of high resolution satellite imagery. 
Photogrammetria (PRS), (43), pp. 295-310. 
Huertas, A. and Nevatia, R., 1988. Detecting buildings in 
aerial images. Computer Vision, Graphics and Image 
Processing, (41), pp. 131-152. 
Jensen, John R.; Narumalani, Sunil; Weatherbee, Oliver 
and Mackey, Halkard E., 1993. Measurement of Seasonal 
and Yearly Cattail and Waterlily Changes Using Multidate 
SPOT Panchromatic Data. Photogrammetric Engineering 
and Remote Sensing, (59)4, pp. 519-525. 
Moore, H.D., 1989. SPOT vs Landsat TM for the 
maintenance of topographical databases. ISPRS J. 
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, (44), pp. 72-84. 
Manavalan, P.; Sathyanath, P. and Rajegowda, G. L., 
1993. Digital Image Analysis Techniques to Estimate 
Waterspread for Capacity Evaluations of Reservoirs. 
Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 
(59)9, pp. 1389-1395. 
Figure 1. A SPOT-detector-grid 
(a - side length; d - diagonal length) 
| | | | 
| | | | 
sem es tjr = > = jh ze je ae ss i elf mo + 
| | | | 
etl jo v0 (CB 
| | | 
| # (8/2, a/2) 
—— hmmm DCE BCE — 
| tg | P ek ta | 
+ | | x 
| | 95-3 | 
SL ZN deua 
| | | | 
| | | | 
vis bc. i4 I= Bl 
| Lobo t5 
wn so nl ee Sm et fre mp 
| | | | 
| | | | 
Figure 2. The original position of the grids 
(o - object’s center; ty, ta …- eight neighbours of p) 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B1. Vienna 1996

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