Recording Indoor Scenes using a Rotating Camera with Linear CCD-Array
P. Duracher, M. Maresch
3D Object Reconstruction Group
Institute for Computer Graphics
Graz Technical University
email: {duracher, maresch}
Commision I, Working Group 1/3
KEY WORDS: indoor room recording, line CCD’s, rotational camera motion, photo-realistic texture, 3D object
This paper presents a method for intelligent recording the texture of an enclosed space such as a room in a
building, a hallway or a courtyard in a city block using a rotating CCD line. The main objective is the design of a
sensor platform to record the photorealistic texture automatically. Such a sensor platform with their main
components will be shown. The introduced imaging system forms the basis for new methods and techniques to
create three-dimensional and textured databasis of enclosed spaces in a semi-automatic manner. Design and
implementation are described in detail, and the first results will be shown.
Diese Veröffentlichung stellt eine neue Methode zur intelligenten Erfassung von Innenräumen, z.B. Raum bzw.
Gang in einem Gebäude, Innenhof eines Häuserblocks in einer Stadt, usw., dar. Dazu beschreiten wir einen
neuen Weg bei der Bilddatengewinnung. Diese erfolgt anhand einer rotierenden CCD Zeile. Das
Hauptaugenmerk liegt dabei im Entwurf und der Realisierung eines Kamerasystems, anhand welchem die
Fototextur eines Innenraumes auf (semi-)automatischen Weg erfafst werden kann. Das Kamerasystem und
deren Hauptkomponenten werden hier vorgestellt. Dieses Aufnahmesystem bildet die Basis für neue Methoden
und Techniken zur fotorealistischen Modellierung realer architektonischer Objekte. Der Entwurf und die
Implementation dieses Aufnahmesystems werden beschrieben und die ersten Ergebnisse werden gezeigt.
1 INTRODUCTION application and related to CAD databases. This
includes a concept for intelligent imaging. A first
In the last years powerful computer graphics step is the development of a sensor platform to
hardware and software were developed. This record the photorealistic texture automatically. We
enables users in a wide range of applications to focus on a platform for recording the texture of an
gain better insight into processes by visual enclosed space such as a room in a building, a
simulation. For instance landscape and city hallway or a courtyard in a city block. Design,
planners as well as tourism agencies are interested implementation and results of this specific
to simulate photo-realistic views of the environment. electronic imaging system will be described in this
Architects and city planners for example construct paper. Its application to the modelling of closed
new buildings with CAD systems and are spaces will be discussed.
interested to visualize their impact onto the existing
enviroment beforehand. To reach real realism, it is
necessary to place the buildings, to be 2 RELATED WORK
reconstructed, inside a 3D reconstruction of the real
environment. It is therefore necessary to Much work has been done in the surveying and
reconstruct the existing environment as a 3D model documentation of historic buildings. Very precise
of the real scene with as little effort as possible geometric measurements of such man made
[Durisch, 1992]. structures are performed in close range
Further more surveying methods based on imaging photogrammetry. The tool to obtain such precise 3D
sensors are used in many applications in Machine measurement is usually a bundle block adjustment,
Vision, Robotics, Industrial Metrology and Computer where many photographs of the object are taken
Vision. Although there is great interest in surveying from different view points and selected image
and documenting the cultural heritage [Waldháusl, features together with some prior measured 3D
1992], modern image acquisition methods and object coordinates are evaluated. For this
analysis techniques are rarely used, mostly for procedure a high degree of manual interaction is
reasons of cost and complexity. Of interest is the still needed [Streilein et al, 1992], [Wester-
creation of 3D computer models of existing objects, Ebbinghaus, 1978].
both with their geometry and surface properties Creating photorealistic textured models of a city
[Leberl et al., 1994]. block [Gruber, Meissl, Bóhm, 1995] and of a historic
Advances are needed to develop automated site [Gruber, Sammer, 1995] was performed
measurement routines that are specific for the
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B1. Vienna 1996
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