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e A multi-wavelength imaging pyrometer (M-WIP) was
presented for remote sensing of temperature profiles of
gray and color targets with unknown emissivities and
software package was developed for calibration and real-
time M-WIP measurements. An experimental 7-filter
line-sensing M-WIP system was implemented with a
320x122-element non-interlaced PtSi IR-CCD
radiometric camera capable of operation with optical
integration times ranging from 0.12ms to 12 s, thus
providing wide dynamic range.
e After calibration. against a commercial blackbody
reference source in the temperature range from 500?C to
950°C, temperature resolution of +1°C was
demonstrated with the experimental M-WIP system for
real-time temperature measurement of the blackbody
source in the temperature range from 600?C to 900?C.
e The study of the accuracy of M-WIP temperature
measurements for targets with spectrally varying
emissivity was conducted using double-polished
silicon wafer placed in the optical path of M-WIP
system. Temperature resolution of x4°C was
demonstrated with the experimental M-WIP system for
blackbody source viewed through the double polished
silicon wafer with unknown spectral transmissivity in
the temperature range from 500°C to 950°C.
e To achieve the above performance, the radiometric IR-
CCD camera was operated with black level and
background subtraction, a compensation for dark current
charge corresponding to radiant target and background
signal levels (including correction for the variation af
SBD dark current with signal level), and correction for
saturation non-linearity of the imager response as
function of the accumulated signal and the intensity of
the incident radiative flux.
This work was supported by the US Air Force
Wright Laboratory and the ARPA Microelectronics
Technology Office under Contract No. F33615-92-C-
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International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B1. Vienna 1996