Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B1)

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2. The KITSAT-3 Ground Receiving Station 
To begin with, let us describe the KITSAT-3 satellite 
briefly. A technical detail of this satellite can be found in 
the references (Kim et al., 1995a; Kim et al., 1995b). The 
KITSAT-3 is the third series of experimental small 
satellites by Satellite Technology Research Center at 
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology 
(KAIST). This satellite is circulating an sun synchronous 
low earth orbit with an altitude of 870 km from the ground 
and producing high quality remote sensing images. This 
has four scientific instruments-High Energy Particle 
Telescope, Radiation Effect on  Micro-Electronics, 
Electron Temperature Probe, and Scientific 
Magnetometer-and an imaging instrument (Kim et al., 
The imaging instrument has three channels and the 
resolution of image is 17m. A standard scene (3456 x 
3456 pixels) covers 59 x 59 km in the ground. The 
pointing accuracy of this satellite is relatively low (0.5 
degree) cause this satellite is “experimental” but the 
platform can maintain its stability (0.014 deg/sec drift rate) 
during the image capture. The size of a scene is about 36 
Mbytes. The image data captured by the camera is stored 
onboard solid-state mass memory devices (-20Gbytes). 
These image data are transmitted to the ground receiving 
station in X-band with a transmission rate of 3 Mbps. 
Table 1 summarizes the system specification of the 
KITSAT-3 and its camera system. 
Table 1. System specification of the KITSAT-3 and its 
camera system. 
KITSAT-3 Weight 100 Kg 
Power 100 Watt 
Dimension 45x45X60 (cm) 
Altitude 870 km 
Pointing Accuracy ~0.5 degree 
Attitude Stability 0.014 deg/sec 
Camera Resolution 17-m 
Pixel number per line 3456 
Swath 59 Km 
Compared with conventional remote sensing satellites, 
the transmission rate of the KITSAT-3 is relatively low. 
This makes the development of the ground receiving 
system easier and less expensive. There is no need to 
hire a dedicated high speed hardware to handle high 
speed data. Cheap and conventional moderate speed 
(in the order of several MHz) devices can be used. In 
particular, such speed can be handled by a PC hardware. 
This also gives a great opportunity to simplify the task of 
the development of the ground receiving station as PCs 
are normally easier to control. 
The following picture is a block diagram of the KITSAT-3 
ground receiving station. 
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Figure 1. A block diagram of the KITSAT-3 ground receiving station. 
KITSAT-3 transmits data (image data + auxiliary data) to 
the ground receiving station. The selected download 
frequency for the KITSAT-3 is a X-band frequency. As 
this signal has already been modulated on the satellite, 
this undergoes a procedure of down conversion, 
demodulation, and  bit-synchronization. After this 
procedure, a series of bit stream is created. This input 
stream should be recorded using an appropriate device. 
In case of commercial remote sensing satellites with very 
high frequency, an appropriate device can be a High 
Density Tape Recorder (HDTR), which is very expensive. 
However, in case of the KITSAT-3 with the speed of 3 
Mbps, it is possible to record the incoming stream using 
less expensive devices. 
A new concept of recorder has been developed. As the 
speed of incoming bit stream is not very high, a dedicated 
hardware (such as HDTR) can be replaced by a 
commercial devices. The core of this new concept is the 
use of a Personal Computer (PC) as a recorder; the 
incoming stream is recorded in the hard disk of a PC. The 
use of PC reduces the cost of the total ground receiving 
station greatly as a PC is a lot cheaper than, for example, 
a HDTR. Moreover, the use of PC reduces the complexity 
of the development of the ground receiving station as a 
PC is easier to control (than, for example, a HDTR). 
A PC can be used as a recorder by using a PC interface 
card to convert incoming stream into a writable word for 
PC. The technique for designing a PC interface card is 
well-known and not very complicated. As there are built-in 
I/O routines for a PC, the development of (dedicated) 
software can be done without great difficulties. When the 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B1. Vienna 1996 

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