Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B2)

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determined through calibration procedures before the survey. 
Table 3. outlines how different quantities are obtained and their 
expected accuracy. For more details on the georeferencing 
process see Schwarz et. al. (1993b) and El-Sheimy and Schwarz 
The georeferencing equation (1) contains four unknowns (3 
coordinates and one scale factor) in three equations. Having a N 
images of the same scene will add Nx3 extra equations and N 
unknowns (scale factors) for the same point (i). A least squares 
solution of the space intersection between the N rays is computed 
with (3xN - 3 - N) degree of freedom. 
Variable Obtained from Expected 
m. o Interpolated from the GPS/INS 
INS positions at the time of exposure(t) 10-15 cm 
gi Unknown (1) scale factor 
Ry (t Interpolated from INS gyros output | 1.5 arcmin 
at the time of exposure(t) 
R° Calibration 1-5 arcmin 
r Measured image coordinates 0.5 pixel 
a Calibration 2-5 mm 
Table 3. Elements of the Georeferencing Formula 
Highly accurate calibration of all sensors of the integrated system 
is an essential requirement to ensure accurate 3-D positions. 
System calibration includes the determination of camera 
parameters which define the internal geometry of the camera. 
They are termed the inner orientation parameters. The relative 
location and orientation between the camera cluster and the 
navigation sensors (GPS and INS) are defined by the relative 
orientation parameters. The relative orientation parameters will 
be used in the transformation of the 2-D image coordinates into 
the 3-D world coordinates in the georeference process. 
The calibration requires a number of Ground-Control-Points 
(GCP). A test-field of circular reflective targets of 5 inch 
diameter were used. An automatic detection method was 
implemented for measurement of the target centers (Cosandier 
and Chapman, 1992). In order to determine the relative position 
and orientation between the cameras and the GPS/INS, the 
coordinates of the target points were determined in the m-frame 
using a total station on the end points of a baseline which had 
been measured previously using GPS receivers. In the remainder 
of this chapter, the mathematical model for each set of 
parameters will be discussed. 
3.1 Inner Orientation 
Inner orientation is a standard problem which has to be 
performed before using any uncalibrated metric or digital 
camera. It determines the interior geometry of the cameras. A 
self-calibration bundle adjustment is used for this purpose. It 
solves for the basic position (Xo, Yo, Zo) and the orientation (o, 
®, x) parameters for each camera. These parameters will be used 
to relate the cameras to the navigation sensors. In addition, the 
nine elements which define the inner geometry of the camera are 
solved for, namely principal point coordinates (xp, yp), lens focal 
length (f), y-axis scale factor (ky- used when pixels are not 
square) , three radial lens distortion coefficients (k1, k2, and k3), 
and two tangential distortion coefficients (pl and p2) . 
The mathematical model of the bundle adjustment with self- 
calibration is based on the collinearity conditions. They are 
formulated as follows: 
Fr (xp) I + Ax 
Fy-(y-yp *-fuy . ky * Ay Q) 
Using the auxiliary parameters, 
UT. foe 
us 1° (3) 
Ww Z-Zo 
X y Image coordinates, 
RT Orthogonal matrix defining the rotation between the 
m-frame and the camera coordinate system (c-frame) 
X,Y,Z Object coordinates in the m-frame (WGS 84), 
Ax, Ay Correction terms of additional parameters, mainly 
the lens distortion parameters. 
ky y axis scale factor. 
3.2 Relative Orientation 
The imaging component of the VISAT system consists of 8 
video cameras with a resolution 640 x 480 pixels. The cameras 
are housed in a pressurized-case and mounted inside a two 
fixed-base towers on top of the VISAT-Van (Figure 4), thus 
eliminating any chance for the cameras to move during the 
The relative orientation parameters can be divided into two 
groups. The first group contains the parameters which define the 
relative position and orientation between different stereo-pairs. 
The second group consists of the parameters that define the 
relative position and orientation between the cameras and the 
navigation sensors. The latter are essential for the georeferncing 
process. To estimate the two group of parameters, some 
constraints , are added to the bundle adjustment program (El- 
Sheimy and Schwarz 1994). The constraint equations make use 
of the fact that both the cameras and the INS are fixed during the 
mission. This is achieved by acquiring a number of images at 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B2. Vienna 1996 

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