Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B2)

> EE 
precision applications, signalized points have to be 
measured, the pixel size has to be derived from the 
requirement that the minimum target diameter in 
image space should be four to five pixels. Five pixels at 
10 micron would result in an image diameter of 50 
micron. Therefore, what can be considered an optimal 
size for analytical triangulation constitutes the bare 
minimum for digital triangulation. This has to be 
carefully considered when object target size, image 
scale and scan pixel size are selected. Depending on 
the image scale and scan pixel size digital triangulation 
may require very large and inconvenient signals on the 
(c) A third issue to be addressed is the fact that com- 
mercial triangulation systems by and large are still 
following even the analogue photogrammetry concept. 
Blocks are built up through measurements in strip 
direction, collecting image data from one strip after the 
other. Bundle adjustment is performed in batch mode 
only after all images have been measured. This 
procedure ignores the fact that blunder detection can 
be performed much better on-line if the images are 
measured according to the avalanche principle out of a 
particular block corner, building up highly reliable units 
very quickly (Gruen, 1983). The possibility of 
displaying a set of six or even more conjugate image 
regions greatly facilitates this measurement concept 
(compared to the corresponding procedure on analy- 
tical plotters). Such on-line control of measured data 
should be supported by the appropriate computational 
strategy. For that, suitable sequential estimation 
algorithms are available for on-line bundle triangulation 
for quite some time (e.g. Gruen, 1985b, Kersten et al., 
1992). To be able to detect even small blunders not 
very far above the noise level, additional parameters 
for systematic error compensation should be included 
in the sequential estimation. 
(d) On the positive side we note that semi-automatic 
triangulation, even with current commercial technolo- 
gy, allows to measure many more tie points than 
conventionally, in much shorter time. Practitioners 
report about 35-40 aerial images being measured in 
half a day. However, this does not include the time for 
scanning, preprocessing (minification, compression) 
and data handling. These procedures (1,5 hours per 
photograph have been reported) slow down the gross 
time substantially. Also, if the disk cannot accom- 
modate the image data for a full block, data transfer 
time and thus the overall triangulation time will inc- 
rease tremendously. 
3.6 Orthoimages, orthomaps 
It is generally acknowledged that orthoimages are the first 
(and so far only (?)) practically requested products from 
Digital Stations. Once a DTM is available, the process of 
orthophoto production is straightforward and could be 
implemented on a desktop computer. Also, the supporting 
software like image enhancement, mosaicking, etc. is fairly 
standard today, as are map annotation programs. There- 
fore, under these conditions, it is somehow amazing that 
users invest a lot of money into highend Digital Stations with 
all their redundant functionality, just for the purpose of 
orthoimage generation. 
Orthoimages are correct representations, if the object is 
sufficiently smooth. Since buildings and other man-made 
objects are usually not well modelled in DTMs/DSMs the 
locations of roofs, etc. are false. Roof correction software 
has so far been offered by only one vendor (Leica/Helava), 
although the correction algorithm and its implementation 
does not pose any serious problems (Dan, 1996). 
3.7 Monoplotting 
As DTMs and DSMs are becoming increasingly available 
the issue of monoplotting deserves much more attention. 
Monoplotting is fast, easy to perform and does neither 
require bulky and expensive stereo display nor highly 
skilled stereo operators. However, monoplotting is only as 
accurate as the underlying DSM. This will restrict it to 
certain classes of application, of which there could be plenty 
Image matching supported monoplotting is another capable 
mode for feature and object extraction. While the operator 
positions the cursor in just one image on the feature of 
interest the matching is performed, preferably in a multi- 
image mode, in the background and on-line. A first 
rudimentary solution of this kind can be observed on Vision 
International's Softplotter. 
3.8 Automation in general 
The current level of automation on digital stations is fairly 
low. The production of an orthoimage, given a digital image, 
its orientation and a DTM, cannot figure under ,automation®. 
We see first reluctant steps towards automation in the 
following areas and on some few stations only: 
(a) Interior orientation. Should work in general. Works in 
some cases. 
(b) Relative orientation. Is offered on some systems. Has 
not shown to work safely under general conditions. 
(c) Absolute orientation. Control points, no matter if 
natural or signalized points, have still to be measured 
(d) Triangulation. Tie point measurement is reported to 
work largely automatically, but even in a major system 
an error rate of 30% is reported. Control points and 
new points have to be measured manually. 
(e) DTM generation. Fully automated solutions are 
offered, but results need much editing. 
(f) Feature extraction, mapping. One of the most impor- 
tant functions. Automation does virtually not exist. 
In summary, what is unsually called , automation” has to be 
put into the right perspective. There is no reliable black box 
in photogrammetry. Many algorithms which are called 
„automatic“ might work without operator interference, but 
they usually require some, often many, parameters to be 
set in advance. The results will then heavily depend on this 
parameter selection. This is the point where either 
photogrammetric expertise or longstanding project 
experience has to enter the picture. Correctly, Colomer, 
Colomina, 1994 remark: Furthermore, (semi-) automatic 
software uses parameters for tuning results to different 
types of projects. Although manufacturers provide default 
values for these parameters and some hints on how to use 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B2. Vienna 1996 

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