Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B2)

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The kalman gain matrix is defined by : 
K eb EDI LR V qi 
The update procedure is : 
tel Se A Meu 
k k (24 ia (12) 
Pt =K(I-K HP" 
where Z is measurements, H establishes the linear 
connection between the Z and X. 
To use the kalman filter to integrate the data from 
different sensors are straight forward, but modeling the 
statistical properties of these parameters are not always 
possible. Therefore, the design of the filter is a 
compromise between theory and practice. The 
decentralized filter method is chosen for our case, because 
it is simple and flexible. Fig. 2 shows the procedure of this 
E State: : 
PUE Vector 
pee | 
Fig.2 The GPS/INS integration procedure 
The Kalman filter is a very sophisticated method. After 
establishing the dynamic model of the system, the kalman 
prediction estimates the state vector and its covariance 
matrix of the system. Whenever a measurement is 
available, the kalman update will use it to calculate more 
accurate state vector and covariance. This will repeat until 
all data is processed. In the GPS/INS integration, the data 
from the INS is very accurate for a short period, so instead 
of using the kalman prediction, the INS positioning 
equation (5) is used as the prediction module. To achieve 
the most smooth result, the Kalman filter is used in 
forward and backward. Fig. 3 shows a data set after the 
GPS/INS integration. 
Fig. 3 The GPSVision creates the street 
map of Bayside in Wisconsin, USA 
3.4 Positioning with stereo images 
After the GPS/INS integration, every image pair taken by 
the stereo cameras is georeferenced with three position 
parameters and three rotation parameters. After calibration 
procedure, the inerior, relative orientation parameter and 
the offset parameter between the different sensors are 
available. A three-dimensional coordinate of an object is 
calculated by a photogrammetric intersection procedure 
using its left and right image coordinate. The following 
formula is used to transfer it to a Earth-Fixed coordinate 
+ BR RAR Py as) 
X  3-D coordinate in the vision frame with the origin at 
left camera, the X-axis pointing to right camera and 
the Y-axis parallel to image frame and pointing up. 
R} 90-degree rotation from vision frame to reference 
frame. It rotate the Z-axis to the vertical direction. 
DS Origin of INS body frame (b) defined in r-frame. 
R° Rotation from the reference-frame (r) to INS body- 
frame (b). This matrix is determined in the calibration 
R, Rotation from INS body frame (b) to the local frame 
(n) defined by Easting, Northing and Upward 
direction on the ellipsoid. The rotation angles (pitch, 
roll and azimuth) are obtained from the INS system. 
R Rotation from local frame (n) to Earth-fixed frame 
X, Coordinate of the INS system in Earth fixed frame 
when image pair was taken. 
X* Coordinate in Earth fixed frame. 
The geographic coordinate ($, A, /1) is obtained from the 
Earth-Fixed coordinate Y^ by a simple transformation. 
Other map coordinates, e.g. UTM, State plane, can be 
also obtained according to the application requirement. 
4. Feature Extraction and Applications 
The stereo vision system of the GPSVision system is 
designed to collect features from the real world. After data 
collection in the field, the GPS and INS data are processed 
and combined together. Every image pair is tagged with 
its position and rotation in a global coordinate system and 
is used for extracting useful information. 
The Feature Extraction software is developed on 
Microsoft Windows NT/95 operating system and is 
external rule based driven and language neutral. The user 
will interact with the software and point at features of 
interest in the stereo image pairs. The software then 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B2. Vienna 1996 

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