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1e paper
odels for
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t. Edges
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of build-
the 3D-
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Figure 1: An example of the pose clustering
| for au-
up of a
re of the houses of the old database, additional buildings or groups of The redundancy of the spatial resection is used to de-
|| system houses are chosen for a higher redundancy and robustness of tect and correct a false position of control point mod-
artment) the resection. els.
A robust spatial resection fits all the models in an op-
oto base 3 timal way using the correspondence of the 3D model
tha ew edges to the image edges.
e scale of The module for the automatic exterior orientation (AMOR) Finally a selfdiagnosis verifies the result with respect to
program was developed by Wolfgang Schickler and consists of the precision and sensitivity. This enables the automatic
lished to following steps [Schickler, 1994]: procedure to decide whether the determined orienta-
resection tion parameters are acceptable or should be rejected.
t control
building. * With the help of approximate orientation values the Tests with AMOR, using the already measured wireframes,
the more 3D-edges are projected leading to approximate posi- show different criteria which influence the success of the ori-
a spatial tions of the 2D-model edges in the image. entation. The following list gives an overview.
* An edge extraction is computed for the parts of the e The most important criterion is the size of the search
lance the image where the control points should be searched. area for the models or, in other words, the accuracy
d * A pose clustering is used to make an approximate ee nate als givenio AME.
st IESU TO search for the-2D-position of the control point mod- e Ce Puta on time fort ee ge A anche
ES RA els in the image. The model edges are compared to oes c N EA han FIER icant yw en ors N AUS
S ES the image edges. In Figure 1 one can see an exam- idi se ; x En Sine ma en e A :
ection ple of an image part with image edges and the model s ity'o m Ing 3 contre pom mo e 1 ecomes mgner
Institute which should be found. The result of this process is ecause ere ore more non-buiding edges ;
sides tire the position where the number and the quality of the The probability of the success of AMOR could be in-
correspondences reaches its maximum. At least four
control point models must be found.
creased by increasing the number of control point mod-
els. We use on average 9 models per aerial image.
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B2. Vienna 1996