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The data acquisition platform is named VISAT (Video, Inertial
system and SATellite), with its system architecture shown in
Figure 1. The number of cameras can be as many as eight in
the present configuration. High precision positioning is
achieved by applying differential GPS, with an additional
receiver located at a control point with known coordinates.
The INS installed inside the van supplies the angular
orientation parameters of the van in a three dimensional
coordinate system. It also provides interpolated positions,
corrects GPS cycle slips, and is used as a back-up during GPS
The integration of GPS and INS technologies is especially
advantageous in situations where GPS signals cannot be
received completely. For example, in downtown areas the
GPS signals are obstructed by high buildings. In these
situations, INS data can be used to compensate for the loss of
GPS positional information. This ensures that the acquired
images can be oriented geometrically at any time with a
sufficient accuracy.
Before each prolonged use of the mobile platform, a
calibration procedure is necessary for determining the relative
positions of each of the components, such as INS, GPS
antenna and cameras. These parameters might change slightly
over time because of the vibration caused by the movement of
the platform. The on-board computer records the images and
the associated navigational data. The data are downloaded
onto the office computer server on which image data are
preprocessed and managed.
The data recorded in real time are not directly usable. First of
all, the GPS data need to be processed because of the
differential mode configuration. This procedure ensures
navigational accuracy of the images. Secondly, some images
may have poor quality. In addition, to make the objects in
images clearly discernible against the background, some
image enhancement work is needed. Filters are carefully
chosen to avoid any pixel shift due to the processing.
The platform for geometric information extraction is named
VISAT-Station. Basically, it consists of a SUN SPARC series
workstation with two monitors, running MOTIF. One monitor
is used for the so called MultiView subsystem, where stereo
images and graphic user interface elements are displayed.
Most of the interactive procedures are conducted on this
screen (see Figure 2). The other monitor is used for the
OverView application, with the base map and P-lines (i.e.
route of the van) displayed. Whenever an object is measured,
its projection on the base map is shown on the OverView
screen. The main purpose of OverView is to give the user a
reference for the measured data using a base map. For high-
end applications, we can have more than one monitor for
MultiView, or even several workstations networked together
in case of time-critical surveying in which several operators
can simultaneously carry out measurements of data from the
same van run. For low end applications, OverView and
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Figure 2 : User interface of MultiView
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B2. Vienna 1996