Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B2)

Malov V. SPL "Geosystem" Ukraine 
Oleynik S. SPL "Geosystem" Ukraine 
Gajda V. SPL "Geosystem" Ukraine 
Zotov G. CSRIGSM Russia 
Commission II, Working Group 2 
KEY WORDS: Photogrammetry, Space, Mapping, Orthoimage, Stereoscopic, 
Digital, Scanner, DEM/DTM. 
'This poster describes ctructure, features and principle of functioning the digital 
photogrammetric station "Delta". It serve to digital mapping and making of 
orthoimages from airphotoes and spacephotoes. Source materials is scanning 
by high precision photogrammetric scanner. The Scanner is the general part of 
whole complex and allow to scan images with pixel size 14,28,56 mkm and 256 
grey levels, so accuracy of positioning is 3 mkm. Then operator works with a 
digital images of photoes which store in files on server. The software provide 
inner, relative (auto with correlation) and absolute orientation of photoes on 
computer's monitor using lens stereoscopic unit or stereo-eye-glasses. After 
model has been oriented operator makes vector digital plans and maps in stereo 
data collections software which include many service functions. All processes 
are similar an analytical photogrammetrical station works but have some 
advanced possibilities. Such as stereoscopic visualisation both vecor map and 
bitmap photoes and automatizing relative orientation. 
1. INTRODUCTION analitical photogrammetric 
instruments, "Stereoanagraph" by 
Scientific-production laboratory name, presents its latest product - 
"Geosystem" attached to the Main digital photogrammetric station 
Administration of Geodesy, (DPS) "Delta". Its apperance is 
Cartography and Cadastre at the adduced on Figure 1. Digital 
Cabinet of Ministers of the Ukraine technology replaces analitical one 
and specialized in design of because this tendency is known to 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B2. Vienna 1996 
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