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As previously mentioned, the Landsat-TM data were
chosen for use in this project because they contain
spectral information from a broader portion of the
electromagnetic spectrum than SPOT. This is a very
important fact especially in the subalpine vegetation zone
approaching the tree line, where vegetation is sparse and
the spectral information of an area may depend largely
on the combination of trees and shrub and/or the
combination of single trees or shrub and alpine meadows
(Blaschke 1992). Analysis of the Landsat-TM data was
supplemented with airphoto interpretation and mapping
using a derived SPOT-PAN/TM merge as a base map
and visual interpretation. This assessment results in a
reduction of the hybrid classification output to a 15
master-class system. The new classes can promote a
coarse scheme where aerial photo derived classes fit in.
The new classification system is based on the realities of
achieving mappable units using satellite remote sensing
data with varying levels of analysis.
Terrain data were also used to derive slope and aspect
areas by class and to determine study area borders ('not
below 900 meters above sealevel’) which were not clearly
defined by other restrictions like administrative
boundaries. Management data for the park were also
compiled and/or updated from the remote sensing data
including trails, cultural features, and primary and
secondary park boundaries. It was also attempted to use
these DEM data to correct pixel radiances for varying
terrain slope and aspect. These topographic
normalisation algorithms are today implemented in
commercially available software like ERDAS IMAGINE.
In this case study, topographic normalisation could not
provide better classification results.
For the German part of the subscene, belonging to the
National Park Berchtesgaden, Arc/Info polygon coverage
of the aforementioned landuse derived from airphoto
interpretation consisted of very detailed classes as well
as very small patches (some less than one TM-pixel). To
use these existing data not just as visual support but
digitally, they were modified with GIS-techniques.
Patches less than 2500 m? were deleted and others were
shrunk (using negative polygon buffer) by 30 meters to
avoid edge effects in the spectral signatures and spatial
inaccuracy. Some of the resulting isolated patches were
used for signature training and other parts of this data
layer were later used for accuracy assessment.
The classification herein is not hierarchical but the
resulting classes can be seen as upper-level classes for
the detailed aerial photo derived landuse map. They are
not equally distinct. Some classes were readily
recognised and quite distinct from most other classes
(e.g. water, wetland). Others were quite heterogeneous
(coniferous forest) or tend to overlap with other classes
(e.g. urban and rock). It has been shown that post image-
processing and GIS techniques make it possible to
clearly distinguish between some classes utilising
additional information like DEM data. It has also been
shown, that the use of ancillary data during and after
multispectral image classification is not only useful but
necessary if a single class of objects is not represented
by a single spectral class.
Signature training and editing is first done 'traditionally'
with well approved parametric tools. Polygons repre-
senting training sets are either created spatially with
drawing tools or spectrally using a region growing
function determined by the spectral parameters of neigh-
bours relative to chosen seed pixels and a spectral
distance threshold as described by Kloer and Brown
(1991) for the ERDAS software. Existing evaluation tools
allow for presentation of the sample statistics and histo-
grams, image alarms (quick screen parallelepiped
classifications), and pairwise divergence measurements.
Parametric signatures can also be generated with unsu-
pervised clustering algorithms, which were not used
within this case study. Varying tools provide a compre-
hensive parametric classification process and may be
used independently of the non-parametric tools (Kloer
The non-parametric tools are built on the concept of
feature space. It is an n-dimensional space which
encompasses all the data values of the image. Practi-
cally, it is visualised partly in 2-dimensional scattergrams
or scatterplots. This feature space is handled in the
ERDAS software with the same data structure as all
raster images and a lot of tools can therefore be applied.
The feature space image is displayed using the standard
visualisation tools which provide identical interactive
capability as for the image space.
Both approaches were integrated. First, training classes
derived from supervised signature training (‘parametric’)
were displayed and evaluated in various feature space
images. Signatures were analysed and manipulated in
order to look at the homogeneities, spectral distances,
and overlaps. For the maximum likelihood decision rule,
Transformed Divergence (TD) was used (Swain and
Davis 1978) for separability listing of every class pair and
band combination. Fifteen classes resulted and are listed
below. Cursor linking and image to feature space masking
between image and feature space windows supported the
decision process of merging, deleting, and redefining
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B2. Vienna 1996