ELSM. The adjusted orientation and deformation
parameters of the ELSM solution act as "fast address
generators" in mapping the input DEMs into the common
output space. GLSR treats the transformed elevations at
the arbitrary horizontal locations of the unknown merged
DEM grid as the observables of a simultaneous but fast
least squares adjustment of finite elements, (Rauhala,
1986), (Rauhala et. al, 1989). The continuity or
regularization constraints contribute to an automated fill-
in, smoothing and editing of raw DEM data.
iz 1.2, ..D
or ientati on End ELSM
golynom. | iter ations
reshape slv.
windows i
LSM tie pts Fu cODiure | | derenœ
of DEM i | update | Windows
tri angul at ed
pd ynom corr.
Figurel showing the flow chart of the ELSM and GLSR
This section discusses DEM tie point mensuration
technique of ELSM and the associated real-time
orientation. The orientation solution is updated after each
iteration of the LSM tie point measurements in all
overlapping DEMs, thereby feeding the initial values of
the next iteration as shown in the flow chart of Iigure 1.
All points of a given DEM share a set of "entity
orientation” parameters mapping the input DEM arrays
into a common reference datum. This is different from the
traditional image-to-image registration model or a regular
tie point mensuration where each match location also
depends on its point variant object space coordinates. For
instance, GLSM has typically 512x512 or over 250,000
point variant shift and illumination bias parameters (total
of over 750,000) to cover a 1kx1k reference image area at
2x2 pixel node spacing. ELSM employs only few
orientation (and shear error) parameters in object space.
This is achieved as a modification of the fast image space
bundle adjustment and automated feature recognition,
called FELSM, where the linear features act as the tie and
control entities, (Rauhala and Mueller, 1995):
Least Squares Matching (LSM) produces estimates (and
their 3x3 weight matrix) for three small parameter
corrections dh,dx,dy at the "tie point" locations of a
regular sampling grid on the overlap area. At each sample
location, a window of 3x3-7x7 slave array values are
matched with the DEM reference window to derive the
“observed” LSM values of dh, dy and dx.
* The spacing of the LSM tie point grid is typically
sparser than the used window size. Thus, not all DEM
values are used in the least squares estimation of the
corrections to the orientation polynomials. The LSM
starts by evaluating the predicted values dx9, dy? of the
horizontal shifts of the orientation polynomials. The
predicted or reshaped elevation values g(xdx9,y--dy?) of
the slave window are interpolated in the slave DEM and
comected by the vertical orientation polynomial dh(x,y).
The differences of predicted “slave” DEM values, g, from
reference values f(x,y) are used in LSM to get small local
corrections dh,dx,dy and their 3x3 weight matrix (normal
matrix scaled by the locally minimized square sum of
residuals of LSM).
e The local normals of LSM can be considered as a
(weighted) observation equation in the adjustment of small
corrections for the global orientation model used in
predicting the values of g. These two adjustment processes
can be combined to express the observed differences g-f
directly with the unknown orientation polynomials,
resulting in the nonlinear ELSM observation equations
dh(x,y) + g[x + dx(x,y) , y + dy(x,y)] = f(x,y) + ix
Each 2-D global shift function dx,dy and the linear vertical
bias dh is given an array polynomial of n1,n2 terms. The
polynomial parameters have the separable array structure
df(x,y) = [Lx,x2, ..xnl-1] A [1,y,y2....yn2- lt
1. h, NN, fi. 1
= sS xi! ay y!
+ yet S xi! Binz :
= Ex" a, + YLX a, -
Variables x,y are the horizontal geographic coordinates of
the output space (merged DEM).
* There are some practical benefits of choosing three
separable sets of 2-D polynomial coefficients A in (2) as
the global modeling parameters of ELSM. One is their
convenient and compact arrangement into a 3-D n,,n,3
array for a given DEM. The orientation parameters of p
overlapping DEMs form the 4-D array A of dimensions
nl,n2,3,p. This arraying of parameters is not only
convenient but results in computational savings in their
least squares fitting to gridded observed values. Another
practical benefit of the separable model is that the
evaluation of these "address generator" polynomials at a
grid of x,y variables is "fast". The recursive evaluation of
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B2. Vienna 1996
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