Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B2)

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one 2-D polynomial takes n1-1 or n2-1 (depending on the 
order of summations in (2)) additions per point vs n1*n2 
multiplications and additions per point if evaluated at 
random locations. These savings are realized in the 
reshaping process of the LSM tie point grid, enabling the 
speed of over 10,000 tie points/sec. ELSM and GLSR 
exploit these "fast" properties as discussed next. 
* The fast solution of the 4-D parameter array A enables 
the real-time ELSM triangulation of the orientation 
parameters using the gridded LSM "tie point values" of 
local dh,dx,dy estimates and their full 3x3 weight matrix. 
A brute-force solution of the orientation parameters and 
the m merged elevation parameters is prohibitive as its 
operation count of each iteration would be about op= 
(3pn1n2 + m)3. In the example of p= 4 DEM models, 
n1=n2=4 and m=1,000, op = 1,1923. ELSM exploits the 
fast solution techniques of the 4-D array parameters A, 
allowing m to become so large that the valid tie points 
overpower the effect of outliers in the estimation of the 
orientation parameters. This is achieved by an array 
reformulation of the adjustment of independent models. 
* Merged DEM values are considered as the vertical 
coordinate parameters of an independent model adjustment. 
The observables g are processed in the post wise order of p 
values at a given post. This allows the elimination of the 
unknown (merged) elevation parameter resulting in the 
reduced normals of the orientation polynomials. After all 
posts are processed, the solution of the orientation 
normals has the count of p(3n1n2)3 =4 (3x4x4)3 in each 
iteration of array relaxation. This idea makes the array 
algebra applicable for practical problems that otherwise 
would prevent the use of the “fast” solutions, (Rauhala, 
1986). ELSM exploits the array relaxation such that the 
effect of the covariance terms among the p sets of 
orientation parameters is moved to the right hand side of 
the normals. A fast convergence is achieved when the 
number of tie points is increased such that the effect of 
outliers is overpowered by the *good" DEM values. 
* Back substitution of orientation parameters for the 
"merge" or the solution of the vertical coordinate 
parameters has two "fast" solutions. As in the traditional 
model adjustment, the coordinate parameters are merely 
weighted averages of the transformed coordinates of each 
model. By coinciding the tie point density with the 3x3- 
7x7 post window size of LSM, the merge takes place as a 
by-product of updating the reference window value in the 
final ELSM iteration of the orientation polynomials. The 
Second, more general, solution with the finite element 
constraints is achieved by GLSR. 
* The solution of the array parameters A can be further 
speeded up by sacrificing some rigor in the stochastic 
(statistical) error model. This sacrifice is minor in 
comparison to reducing the functional math model of 
dh,dx,dy to three averaged shifts or to the 7-parameter 
transformation of absolute orientation, (Rosenholm and 
Torlegard, 1988). The very fast solution consists of 
preserving the rigor of the stochastic model in the partial 
solution along the x-direction. The full (point variant) 3x3 
LSM weight matrix of the local tie point observations 
makes the three polynomials correlated. This weight 
matrix is applied in the 1-D partial solutions of each line, 
each requiring the matrix inversion of order 3n] or about 
27 n]? operations. This is followed by the "corner 
turning" (partial solution over the second index of the 4-D 
array) or unweighted polynomial regression along the y- 
direction, involving only one matrix inversion of the order 
n2. This very fast solution was discarded after some 
practical experiments. Its quality and robustness could not 
compete with the adopted rigorous baseline. 
By reducing the values of nj,n2 in (2) into 1-2, the 
traditional orientation models are recovered as special cases 
of the adopted baseline. Higher degree polynomials also 
compensate for the systematic deformations or shear 
errors. Similar polynomials are used in the generic math 
models of softcopy workstations to approximate the 
rigorous nonlinear models of image geometries. These 
systems can handle the real-time transforms from the 
input-to-output space based on the raw support data. Thus, 
their small corrections dA can be considered as the main 
parameters of the ELSM triangulation. The refined 
support data are found by adding the estimates of the 
ELSM polynomials dA to the polynomials of the raw 
support data. The input of GLSR can then be taken from 
the original input space (whose output served as the input 
of ELSM). This requires that ELSM should be able to 
handle up to the bi-cubic polynomials of n17n2-4 of the 
typical softcopy systems employing fast image rectifiers. 
Two test areas were processed. Each area had three input 
DEMs produced by the automated DEM technique of 
Global Least Squares Matching (GLSM) from three SAR 
stereo pairs. À manually measured ground truth DEM of 5 
m spacing was used as the reference in 4-5 pull-in 
iterations. The averaged posts of the LSM sample 
windows were used as the reference in the last two 
iterations. In practice, the ground truth DEM is replaced 
by some information for the absolute orientation of the 
relative ELSM solution where any input DEM can serve 
as a temporary reference. 
The ELSM algorithm outputs the statistics of each 
iteration, including the weighted unit error of each 
iteration and the solution of parameter corrections. 
Residual statistics are summarized after the final iteration 
for each input DEM. letting the operator to “see” the 
locations of outliers or disagreements among all data sets. 
The analysis of the tests confirmed the high parallax 
mensuration accuracy of 0.2-0.4 pixel of a similar 
experimental EO test of the GLSM technology, 
(Hermanson et.al, 1993). This resulted in the ELSM 
sigma r.m.s. difference of 1-2 m for the individual SAR 
DEMs of a good 2-ray stereo geometry. 
Both test areas had such a poor imaging geometry 
(equivalent to a poor base-to-height ratio in EO stereo) for 
two of the input DEMs that their contributions in the 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B2. Vienna 1996 

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