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The 65
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resolution of 12.5 microns resulting in image files con-
taining approximately 17,800 lines by 17,800 samples.
The diapositives were also scanned with the Intergraph
PS1, at resolution 15 microns, resulting in approxi-
mately 15,340 lines by 15,340 samples. These images
are being used for an experiment with Intergraph that is
still underway. :
The positions of the 263 pugs on the images, as well as
positions of pass points, were measured automatically
using the Leica DPW 770. These measurements were
carried out by the Leica staff.
Leica was asked to measure the location of the pugs but
not to include these measurements in the solution of the
AT. This is to avoid incorporating in the adjustment
the skill of the human operator, whose stereoscopic
vision determined the conjugate locations of these
pug points. Using the AT output, ground coordinates of
the pug points were calculated. They served as check
points, by comparing them with their corresponding
values, generated earlier with the conventional ap-
The WisDOT also supplied a DTM of 5 model subset of
the strip. Points and break lines were collected manu-
ally using Kern DSR-14 analytical plotter. A file with
23,799 ground coordinates was produced.
A surface covering approximately the same area was
generated automatically at regular intervals using the
DPW 770, resulting in digital elevation model (DEM)
files. Since the DTM points were not extracted at a
regular interval, the corresponding points from the
DEM had to be interpolated for meaningful comparison.
3.1 Aerial Triangulation
AT files provided by WisDOT contained coordinates (X,
Y and Z) of each of the pug points. These values were
calculated using a WisDOT in-house AT procedure.
These coordinates were compared to the corresponding
values generated by each of the softcopy systems. The
comparison results are listed in Table 1.
Table 1. A Comparison of the differences between the
ground coordinates of pug points determined by con-
ventional methods and the values determined by Leica.
X Y 2
Average Difference (m) 0.01 -0.00 0.09
Variance (m) 0.078 0.084 0.049
S.D. of Difference (m) 0.01 0.01 0.22
RMS Difference (m) 0.08 0.08 0.24
Figure 1 is a plot of the deviations in Z between the
Leica derived AT values and the values supplied by
WisDOT. The differences are relatively small, but there
are few points with deviations greater than 0.5 meter.
a 10
$ 0.8 +
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Figure 1. Differences in Z between WisDOT and Leica,
calculated by AT, as a function of Easting along the
The corresponding deviations in X (Easting) and Y
(Northing) was also plotted as a function of Easting.
These charts can be found in Figures 2 and 3. Examin-
ing the Figures 1 through 3, we can see that the devia-
tions in X and Y are smaller than the deviations in Z.
t 0.300
X 0.200
"S5 0.000
Q 0.100
en © - «e © e =~
Y «o «o eo es en ©
wu en Q «e qe © uo
x eo eo m m eo ~
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m Pre Pre Pre Pre m m
Figure 2. Difference in X (Easting) between the Wis-
DOT and Leica AT values, as a function of Easting
along the strip.
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B2. Vienna 1996