N° - [Zo Anf
f*iz, I- X,nf. «(Z,m,- Y, nfl
U- "Ite Xon) * L(Z,m,- Ysnj|
(Z,* Anf
FlAo) - yi
A, is an approximate value for the parameter A;
The X, Y, Z, coordinates of point P, can be computed
using equations (2) and the adjusted A.
The system calibration involves the determination of the
camera inner orientation parameters and the parametric
equations of all projected straight lines. This concept is
depicted in figure 1.
4 Z Camera Projector
» Projected points
^ Control points
Fig. 1 Reference system and the geometric concept
of the calibration method.
Although the simultaneous estimation of those
parameters would be desirable, experiments
demonstrated unreliable results and high computational
costs. Considering this experience, a sequential solution
was derived. It involves five steps, which are
summarised in figure 2.
The concept of the calibration method is similar to the
AZ method, used in triangulation by independent models.
Several images of the projected bundle are acquired on
the parallel reference planes which have targets to be
.— cameracalibrtion — |
| control points measurements | RE I
projected points measurements o:
the ith plane
3 A
estimation of the space resection
(x, 6, €, Xc, Yc, Zc)
P 3
computation of the projected points
coordinates in the camera reference
next image
of the
(i+1)th plane
estimation of the projector perspective center
coordinates and straight lines parameters
Fig. 2 Computation of the straight lines parameters
used as control points. Different image coordinates of
one point in several planes will correspond to the same
straight line in the object space. Control points are used
to compute the plane position and orientation with
respect to the camera reference system. Therefore, the
coordinates of the projected points over the plane can be
In the sequential approach the camera is firstly calibrated
using self calibrating bundle adjustment with convergent
cameras. The same structure of the range system can be
used in this task. Previous experiments with real data
have presented suitable results with four images and 20
control points.
The second step involves the features extraction of each
image collected for the projection planes. The
coordinates of the control and projected points are
computed using the methods of feature extraction
described in section 2.
Position and orientation parameters of the camera with
respect to the control points are computed in the third
step using Space Resection.
The fourth step attempts to compute the coordinates of
the projected points in the camera reference system,
using the position and orientation parameters previously
Once the reference plane is moved, another image is
grabbed and steps 2, 3 and 4 are repeated, until, at
least, three planes are available.
Coordinates of the projector perspective center and
straight lines parameters are estimated in the fifth step.
These parameters are computed in a simultaneous least
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B2. Vienna 1996