ine sce AZ
I. m Xo, Yo,Zo
€ e 9 9 e i X ,
me o e e em /
1050mm /
. /
e e e e e again.
EN E = a E25 ?
abl M
(a) (b)
Fig. 3 Configuration of the simulated data
(a) projected and control points;
(b) separation between the reference planes;
As explained earlier a constraint must be introduced. In
this case, the A, (plane 1050mm apart from the camera)
was fixed as:
A, = 1050 mm
The same procedure was used to generate a second set
of simulated data with a smaller AZ (50mm). The
projection planes were supposed to be at:
Z, =-1050mm; Z,=-1000mm and Z,=-950mm
6.1.2 Calibration results
In order to analyse the experiments the estimated values
ofthe parameters are compared with the true ones,
which are known from the simulated data. The true error
(€,) can be defined as the difference between the
estimated and the true parameter values. The standard
deviation is defined as the square root of the estimated
variance. As several groups of parameters were
estimated (direction cosines for several projected lines)
the mean-square values of the true errors (€,…) Were also
computed encompassing all the projected points.
With the simulated data available, space resection
parameters of the camera were obtained and used to
compute object space coordinates of the projected points
lying at the p" reference plane. This process is repeated
for all reference planes. The discrepancies between the
true and the computed values, at the first plane
(1050mm), for the XY and Z coordinates are within
O.3mm and 1mm respectively.
The coordinates of the projected points for the three
reference planes were used as observations in order to
estimate the coordinates of the projector perspective
center and the direction vectors of the projected straight
Table 1 Results of the two case studies with different
separation for the reference planes
AZ = 100mm AZ = 50mm
€, 0, €, 0,
I 0.0076 0.0005 0.0069 0.002
m, | 0.0090 0.0005 0.0091 0.0018
n, 0.0372 0.0016 0.0362 0.0079
Xo | 0.383 0.420 0.492 2.069
Y; | 0.251 0.370 1:079 1:825
Zo. \ 0.293 1.691 1.498 8.333
Results obtained from the two sets of simulated data
(AZ=100mm and AZ=50mm) are presented in table 1.
The mean-square values of the true errors of the
estimated direction parameters and the true error for the
projection center are presented in the first and third
columns. The estimated standard deviations are
presented in the second and fourth columns. The
estimated standard deviations are similar for all the
projected straight lines. The coordinates are given in
millimeters and the direction cosines are undimensional.
No significant improvement in the accuracy of the
direction cosines could be verified as an effect of a
greater AZ. However, the coordinates of the projection
center were better estimated with a larger AZ (100mm).
The estimated standard deviations of the projection
center and the direction cosines are higher in the second
case (smaller AZ, 50mm). With these results we can
conclude that a stronger geometry is obtained in the first
case, in which a greater separation (AZ) between
reference planes was used.
Table 2 Residuals of the XYZ coordinates after
estimation of the projector parameters
AZ = 100mm AZ = 50mm
0.302 mm
0.244 mm
0.317 mm
0.577 mm
0.276 mm
0.232 mm
Table 2 presents the mean-square value of the residuals
in the X, Y and Z coordinates after the estimation of the
projector parameters, for both cases. It can be verified
that these residuals were similar for both cases, except
in the Z coordinates for the second case, which were
higher. Notice that in all cases these residuals were
smaller than 1mm.
Using the estimated projected parameters and the
intersection procedure presented in section 3, the
coordinates of the projected fifteen points were
computed using the first reference plane and the
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B2. Vienna 1996
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