Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B2)

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BMU + 
d, / ( d4*d, ). Plus is used, if the coordinate of second 
closest weightvector is greater than the coordinate of 
So that Karhunen-Lówe transformation could be 
compared to SOM, following experiments were carried 
out. Datasets were generated using random number 
generator and feature extraction was made. Transformed 
datasets were classified and classification error 
estimated. This process was repeated 50 times using 
different datasets. Criterion to compare results was 
minimize the classification error. 
5.1 Classification 
Classifications were made using the Bayes decision rule 
for minimum error. A posteriori probability P(x | 0) is 
calculated from a'priori probability P; and the conditional 
density function (CDF) p(x | ®,) using the Bayes theorem 
p(x|ej P, 
c (9) 
Y poop P, 
P(x|w) = 
where c is the number of classes. When x is to be 
classified, the a posteriori probabilities are determined 
for each class and x is assigned to the class with the 
maximum a posteriori probability. 
The value of CDF p(x | 0)) determines how closely sample 
x belongs to class O0. It is estimated using a 
nonparametric estimation method called k-nearest 
neighbor estimation. This method estimates the CDFs 
locally using small number neighboring samples. The k- 
nearest neighbor estimate of the CDF of class i is 
p(x|o) 5 —, (10) 
where k is number of neighboring samples, n; is number 
of samples in class i and v is the volume of hypersphere 
which radius is distance between sample x and its kth 
neighbor (Devivjer, 1982) 
5.2 Error estimation 
The probability of error is the most effective measure of 
the performance of a classification system. In practise, 
the probability of error must be estimated from the 
available samples. First a classifier is designed using 
training samples and then it is tested using test 
samples. The percentage of misclassified test samples is 
taken as an estimate of the probability of error. 
The probability of error is estimated using resubstitution 
(RES) and leave-one-out (LOO) estimation methods. The 
resubstitution method uses the same set of samples to 
train and test the classifier. Because training set and 
testset are same set, errors estimated using this method 
are unreliable, but can be used together with other error 
estimation methods like leave-one-out method. In leave- 
one-out method each sample is used for train and test, 
although not at the same time. The classifier is trained 
using (n-1) samples and tested on the remaining sample 
(n is the total number of samples). This is repeated n 
times with different training sets of size (n-1). The error 
estimate is the total number of misclassified samples 
divided by n (Devivjer, 1982). 
5.3 Datasets 
Three different datasets were used. The original 
dimension of dataset was 8 and number of classes 2. 
Datasets were generated using random number 
generator. Number of samples per class was equal to 
dimension times N, where N - 5, 10 or 100. Then 
generated samples were classified and classification 
errors estimated. This was repeated 50 times and each 
time samples were generated independently. Finally, the 
statistical descriptors, mean value, median value, 
standard deviation, minimum and maximum values 
were computed from classification errors. 
In the first dataset, called II, mean of the first class was 
M, = [0...0]" and mean of the second class was M, = [2.56 
0...0]. Covariance matrices for both classes were identity 
matrices I. In other words, class means differ and 
covariances are same. Bayes error is about 10%. 
In the second dataset, called I4I, mean of both classes 
were M, = M, = [0...0]". Covariance matrix for first class 
was identity matrix I and for second class 41. In other 
words, class means are same and covariances differ. 
Bayes error is about 9%. 
In the third dataset, called IA, mean of the first class 
was M, = [0.0] and mean of the second class was M, = 
[3.86 3.10 0.84 0.84 1.64 1.08 0.26 0.01]. Covariance 
matrix for first class was identity matrix I and for 
second class the diagonal values were E = [8.41 12.06 
0.12 0.22 1.49 1.77 0.35 2.73]. In this case, both class 
means and covariances differ. Bayes error is about 1.9% 
(Fukunaga, 1990). 
5.4 Parameters of algorithms 
The transformation matrix in  Karhunen-Lówe 
transformation was based on the eigenvectors of the 
covariance matrix of dataset. 
Parameters of SOM were the size of map, size of 
neighborhood, number of inputvectors presented to 
algorithm, starting value of o and its decreasing method. 
In these experiments different sizes of map were used, 
sizes 9x9, 11x11, 7x11 and 19x19 processing elements. 
Size of neighborhood in the beginning was more than 
half of the size of map and decreased linearly until only 
one weightvector, BMU, was updated. Number of 
inputvectors presented to the algorithm varied also, it 
was at least 500 inputvectors per processing element. 
When the size of map was 9x9 or 7x11 processing 
elements, the number of inputvectors was 50000 or 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B2. Vienna 1996 

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