Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B2)

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32 is the velocity of the sensor for image2 
$1 is the position of the sensor for imagel 
32 is the position of the sensor for image2 
) is the radar wavelength for imagel 
).2 is the radar wavelength for image2 
Pis the velocity of the target point on the ground 
P is the position of the target point on the ground 
In the above four equations, the sensor position and 
velocity vectors are provided by the header data file in 
each image. And 3D coordinates of P are unknowns 
which are solved by the Least Squares iteration 
technique. From a geometric view, (Curlander,1984) 
noted that this approach is determined by three faces (1) 
Earth's shape (2) Doppler equation and (3) range 
equation. That means, at a particular time, the range 
equation determined the surface of a sphere, while the 
Doppler equations described the surface of a cone, the 
intersection surface of a sphere and a cone yields a circle 
which is intersected with the Earth model and to give the 
exact position of a target point. 
It should be noted here, that this intersection procedure 
must be accomplished on the inertial reference system 
with respect to geocenter. Because the two overlapping 
images may be taken at different times, the inertial 
coordinate system for each image may be also different. 
It is necessary to convert one system to coincide with 
the other. The conversion factor is related to the GMST 
(Greenwich Mean Sideral Time) of the system. In order 
to carry out the intersection we require matching results 
and header data to provide geocentric coordinate for each 
terrain point. The intersection procedures include many 
steps of calculation which are illustrated in the 
intersection flow chart figure 1. 
In the CHEOPS algorithm, there are many parameters 
that affect the matching accuracy, from the parameters of 
generation the seed points to the image tiers used in the 
matching. In this paper, the evaluation of the matching 
is based on DEM accuracies. There are four different seed 
points sets which are used for assessing the matching 
results for several aspects, which will be discussed in 
detail separately. 
4.1 Data set 
The test data in this paper include one ERS-1 precision 
image (center incidence angle 23°) and one ERS-1 rolt- 
tilt mode image (center incidence angle 35°). This 
overlapping area covers Marseilles and Aix en Provence 
in south France. The DEM in this area is also available 
generated by IGN but part of the overlapping area is not 
covered by the ground truth. For evaluation of DEM 
accuracy, 512*512 portion of the overlapping area is 
4.2 DEM accuracies and single image tier accuracy 
For the CHEOPS PDL file used in this research the 
matching results from the preceding tiers are multiplied 
by the factor 2 and used as initial values in the next tier. 
Because of this the total DEM accuracy can be estimated 
by a single image tier. Table 1 illustrates this fact. 
read header data read header data 
from imagery L from imagery R 
preliminary calculation 
coordinate translation (screen->image) 
prediction of orbit position & velocity 
position & velocity vectors 
coordinate transformation 
(geocentric -»inertial) 
unknowns solution 
coordinate transformation 
(inertial -> geocentric) 
Figure 1: Intersection flow-chart 
In table 1, six image tiers wee used, the sixth tier is is 
the original image, the fifth tier is reduced by 2 And so 
on. From this table it is obvious that the total DEM 
accuracy is strongly influenced by the fifth tier results, 
for there are about 80% of the matching points on this 
tier. Also, the table showed that for the ERS-1 SAR 
imagery, it is better to undertake the matching on the 
lower resolution of the 5th tier image rather than the 
original one, this is shown in row 10 that DEM accuracy 
of tier 6 is lower than any other tiers of image. This also 
illustrates the benefit of using CHEOPS. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B2. Vienna 1996 

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