Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B2)

collinearity equations or, in the cases of certain types of 
imagery, some other suitable ground to image transformation. 
Note that in the DPW there may well be more than two 
images, for example four can be displayed in two screen 
systems or others may not be displayed at all until called up. 
Thus the real-time operations of DPWs and APs are 
fundamentally the same, though the former always include 
image processing software too, for example contrast 
enhancement and filters. Both DPWs and APs, of course, can 
vary brightness, the latter by illumination control. 
The sections below examine some aspects of DPW software 
according to the different applications. It is seen that the main 
photogrammetric functions - triangulation, DTMs, orthophotos 
and feature extraction - are offered only in the packages from 
the traditional photogrammetric suppliers, whereas only a 
subset of these functions is available from many others such as 
the remote sensing vendors. 
3.2 Imagery and mathematical models 
All DPWs considered for this paper handle aerial photography. 
Many of them also include facilities to treat some satellite 
data, usually stereo-SPOT imagery. At the other end of the 
equation, there is considerable variety in the ability of the 
different DPWs to handle coordinate systems and map 
projections. The most flexible include a range of coordinate 
systems, datums, ellipsoids and projections, plus the 
possibility for the user to program others, whereas more 
limited DPWs have a very small range indeed. 
3.3 Orientation and triangulation 
Naturally, every DPW must include some facilities for 
orientation. Interior orientation is mandatory and even the 
simplest orthophoto engine, for example, must include a space 
resection. Some systems have impressive automated functions, 
the interior and relative orientation in the Zeiss PHODIS being 
perhaps the best known. Owing to their rather different history, 
DPWSs often have orientation philosophies based on bundle 
adjustment without the traditional sequential relative and 
absolute orientation, though in the Leica-Helava DPWs, a 
button has been added so that the classical approach may be 
chosen as an option. In many cases, even if complete 
automation of the orientation is not there, image matching may 
be selected to refine the position of a point which has been 
manually selected or measured in one of the images. 
The strengths of a DPW are very apparent in the process of 
triangulation. Though most vendors have adopted a data 
capture approach rather similar to that found in many 
analytical plotters, i.e. working along a strip at a time, with 
model formation, point transfer, measurement and blunder 
checks. The same process on a DPW, however, benefits from 
being able to display more than two images at once, to switch 
rapidly between them and to recall earlier images for 
remeasurement without pain. The user interface in the 
Intergraph ImageStation, for example, has proved very 
effective (Kólbl, 1996). 
Highly automated triangulation is a more recent development 
which marks out digital photogrammetry as a step forward. In 
principle, the overall configuration of the block may be 
derived from GPS data for the exposure stations or from 
manual inputs of forward and side overlaps and the offsets 
between exposure stations in the individual strips. If each 
ground control point is identified and measured manually in at 
least one image, then the remainder of the work can be done 
automatically, i.e. control points can be transferred, and pass 
and tie points selected, measured and transferred. The 
automated process can include error detection, for example by 
model and strip formation, followed by rigorous bundle 
adjustment with data snooping to provide a second level of 
blunder detection. Several groups have been working 
intensively on this, for example Helava, Zeiss, Inpho and Ohio 
State University. A summary is given by Fritsch (1996). 
Broadly speaking, the groups divide into two schools of 
thought. The Helava approach is to define a pattern for tie 
points, thereby fixing the image positions in the first image in 
which they appear, and then search for the positions in the 
other images and measure them by image matching. Failures, 
often caused because the forward and sidelaps are incorrectly 
defined, are measured manually. The other approaches use 
interest operators to find points, which are therefore not 
limited in number and may be very dense indeed. Probably the 
former approach is more operational at present, the Helava 
Automated Triangulation System having been installed by 
Leica-Helava on many sites (Miller and Walker, 1996). 
Interestingly, at least one user of the Leica-Helava system has 
experimented with very large numbers of tie points, making no 
attempt manually to measure bad points, i.e. simply omitting 
failed points from subsequent stages of the computation. 
However unsatisfactory this sounds, it appears to work! 
3.4 DTMs 
The generation of DTMs by image matching has been a raison 
d'étre of digital photogrammetry. This is not the place to 
attempt to encapsulate the efforts of a generation of 
researchers. It is enough to say that the method is now highly 
sophisticated and rather successful, though results are still 
unpredicatable in featureless image areas or at discontinuities 
such as buildings or trees in large scale photography. Modern 
host computers are so powerful that automatic generation of 
over 500,000 points per hour is possible, but powerful 
interactive editing tools are the key to satisfactory final results. 
The two best known techniques are the area based matching of 
Leica-Helava, based on Hierarchical Relaxation Correlation 
(Helava, 1988; Miller and Devenecia, 1992), and the interest 
operator approach of MATCH-T, the Inpho product 
subsequently adopted by Zeiss, Intergraph and DAT/EM 
(Krzystek, 1991). Matra and ERDAS/Vision International 
utilise proprietary techniques and some vendors, such as ISM 
and KLT, do not offer products in this area. 
Interestingly, the stress on automatically generated DTMs 
means that many DPWs are not equipped with the sort of 
manual DTM capture functions which are a mainstay of APs. 
Without these functions, editing of erroneous elevation data is 
a most difficult operation. The subsequent stage of the process 
is important too, ie. the use of DTMs for contouring, 
generation of triangulated irregular networks (TINs), 
computation of profiles and cross-sections, etc. Leica-Helava, 
for example, offer KLT's excellent TIN module, whereas for 
customers using MicroStation they have opted for the 
TerraModeler TIN package from the Finnish company 
Terrasolid Oy. 
3.5 Orthophotos, mosaics and image maps 
Like DTMs, orthophotos are one of the driving forces in the 
adoption of digital photogrammetry. Every vendor offers this 
facility. There are differences in sophistication, for example 
some approaches are completely rigorous in their pixel by 
pixel computation, others utilise some kind of anchor point 
method to save processing time; resampling algorithms vary 
too, but simpler methods like nearest neighbour, bilinear or 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B2. Vienna 1996 
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