Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B2)

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in gray value is selected as the final aerial triangulation 
point (TP). 
After the TPs in the master tie image have been 
determined, their corresponding approximate locations in 
the slave tie image must be found for serving as initial 
starting positions for the fine LSM matching. The search for 
their corresponding locations in the slave tie image is also 
done through the image pyramid. First, the location of the 
TP just found in the master tie image will be traced up to the 
highest level, from there the corresponding location in the 
same level of the slave tie image will be determined by 
finding the maximal Normalized Cross Correlation (NCC). 
Than these locations will be traced down through each level 
of the slave tie image by finding the maximal NCC to the 
corresponding master window in the same level. Since the 
tracing is done from one level down to the other, which 
means the initial position in each level is fairly accurate, the 
search window needs not be very large, except for the 
highest top level where we have no information for the initial 
position and a blind search in the whole image is 
While going through the pyramid levels, a threshold of 0.65 
is set for the NCC value in order to avoid wrong matching. 
Whenever this threshold can not be passed, that TP will be 
abandoned. If at the end there is less than two points left, 
the system will issue a failure message and switch to the 
manual selection of the interest windows both in the master 
and in the slave images. The matched position in the lowest 
level ofthe slave image will be considered as the conjugate 
position to the TP in the master image. Its coordinates go 
into the next stage of fine matching. The searching 
procedure can be illustrated by Fig.1. The arrows indicate 
the direction of tracing. 
5. Matching Strategy 
Based on the initial matching position obtained in the 
previous step, the fine LSM can begin. But by trying to find 
a proper window size for the LSM, we have found out that 
there is no such thing as the best window size. Different 
window size will give different converging position (or no 
convergence at all). Some times when one window size 
failed to converge, by changing the window size it could 
come to a convergence. Therefore we gave up the effort to 
find a best window size for all cases. Instead, we let each 
point to be matched by several different window sizes and 
try to find the best result from them. 
We know that unless the LSM diverges, it will always give a 
result (the two shifting parameters between the windows). 
Although the posterior sigma naught reveals some 
knowledge about the quality, but its power for judging the 
correctness of the result is too weak. Therefore we use the 
NCC value as a check. Prior to the begin of the LSM, there 
was a NCC value for that initial position as computed in the 
previous step. After the LSM converges, new NCC value 
can be calculated between the target window and the 
resampled matched search window. The relationship 
between the master target window and the slave search 
window before and after LSM is illustrated in Fig.2. 
We have found out that by setting some thresholds and 
conditions for these values, the more reliable and accurate 
result can be selected from all the results of different 
window sizes. 
A series of window size 35x35, 39x39 and 43x43 will be 
used for the LSM. (The window size can be changed of 
course to fit the different conditions like different image 
scale, pixel size and image content, etc.. Since the pixel 
size is very small in our case, we have started from the 
35x35 window size.) If the NCC value of the initial position 
found from the previous step is called C1, and the NCC 
value after the LSM is called C2, from the matched results 
of all possible window sizes, only the one which satisfies 
the following conditions will be selected as the final result: 
1. Its C2 must be greater than 0.75. 
2. Its C2 must be greater than or at least equal to C1. 
3. Its C2 must be the greatest among all window sizes. 
4. If more than one window size satisfy the above 3 
conditions, the one with the largest window size shall be 
When no window size satisfies these conditions or even the 
LSM diverges, the system outputs an failure message and 
switches to manual selection of target and search window 
6. Test Results 
The test block has 4 strips, 26 photos and covers an urban 
area with many buildings. The photo scale is 1:5000. For 
each tie area approximately 20 TPs are selected. The size 
of windows in each pyramid level and the threshold value of 
NCC for finding the correspondence are listed in Tab.1. The 
thresholds used in the dynamic window LSM are 0.65 for 
C1 and 0.75 for C2. For each tie area at most 5, at least 2 
triangulation points should be found. Two points are the 
minimum to provide sufficient reliability (error detection) for 
the subsequent bundle block-adjustment. Tab.2 shows 
the number of triangulation points actually matched in 
the tie area and the number of tie area sets corresponding 
to them. All conjugated areas referred to the same 
terrestrial position form a set. A TP in a set of tie areas is 
considered as successfully matched only when it is 
matched in all tie areas in that set. When it can not be 
matched even only in one area, the whole set will be 
declared as failed. From Tab.2 we can see that the number 
of tie area sets which have at least 2 matched points is 69. 
There are 4 sets in which no point could be matched, and 1 
Set with only 1 point matched. These five sets are 
considered as not successful. There are total 74 sets, 
therefore the success rate of matching is 9396. For those 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B2. Vienna 1996 

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