P. Zatelli, PhD. student, Dept. of Civil and Enviromental Engeneering, University of Trento, via Mesiano 77,
Trento, Italy.
Intercommission Working Group II/III
KEY WORDS: digital, plotter, software, object-space, image matching, portability, multiple images.
In this paper the design, the realization and the test of a photogrammetric system is presented. This system is built over
a standard hardware platform using standard programming techniques to obtain a portable system. All the standard
analytical plotter functions are assured and partially automated, such as image preprocessing, image orientation and
determination of object space coordinates of single points and of points along linear features.
This work is part of the digital photogrammetric research
at the Photogrammetric Laboratory of the Department of
Civil and Enviromental Engeneering of the University of
Interest's areas cover:
e digital sensors calibration and precision analysis of
the close range photogrammetric techniques;
e monoscopic survey of plane objects for strain
determination of laboratory samples;
e development of a digital photogrammetric plotter with
the same functionality of a traditional
photogrammetric plotter but with the automation of
some of the tasks and a general ease of use.
In this paper the development and test of the digital
photogrammetric plotter is presented.
2.1 Functional design
The software component of the digital photogrammetric
system must be suitable for:
e an efficient user-system interaction via a graphical
user interface that provides images visualization,
pointing of the interesting features and general
controls of the system;
e image enhancement that makes possible the use of
all the information in the images, making them more
readable and increasing the meaning of the details;
e use of matching algorithms: these techniques
perform digital image correlation, allowing the
automation of some tasks and 3D point
determination by monoscopic pointing;
e use of image orientation algorithms: this is
necessary to obtain the functions of a stereoplotter
(not only those of a comparator): the choosen
algorithm is a global (relative + absolute) orientation
performed in a single step by bundles adjustment;
e data base interface: the system can obtain images
and other informations directly from existing
databases, system output must be compatible
with existing databases;
The following other tasks are not currently
implemented but only designed for further
e image trasformation: image normalization helps in
DEM measurements and all the plotter functions;
e feature extraction: these operations are usually
partially automated because of the difficulty in the
formalization of the a priori knowledge of the
operator about the objects in the images;
e results control: gross errors can be automatically
recognized but the final quality judgment about the
results must be always given by an operator.
Some of the digital photogrammetric systems actually
make use of stereo vision, this solution requires
dedicated hardware and trained operators.
In our system the operator observe one image at a time;
the system itself substitutes the stereo vision by means
of image correlation; the three main advantages are:
e no special hardware is required;
e no special training is required;
e the simultaneous use of several images is possible.
In the present version of the system there are no limits in
the number of images for single points off-line plotting
and image orientation, while up to three images can be
used for on-line plotting with oriented images and
monoscopic observation.
It must be remarked that the use of three images in the
plotting operation make the system quite more precise
and reliable than a system that uses two images only
thank to the better redundancy. On the other hand a
system that uses even more images would require a
more complicated algorithm.
2.2 Internal design
The realized system essentially is a software package
designed keeping in mind the functional requirements
already explained and the further requirement of
portability on different hardware platforms and the
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B2. Vienna 1996