possibility of extensions. This is obtained by a modular
design and the use of standards for coding. These
standards are currently missing for image visualization
and user interface, although the common orientation
towards X-windows and Motif enviroments.
The use of a client/server architecture is another way to
allow portability, this allows the use of the digital
photogrammetric system even with huge
photogrammetric data, relying on a central server.
The program is written in the ANSI C language to take
advantage either of the flexibility of the C programming
language and of the ANSI standardization.
The graphical interface, that realizes both image
visualization and user interaction, uses the X-
windows/Motif system, that is generally available on Unix
The software is divided into different modules for:
e image acquisition and preprocessing;
e user interaction (both input and output);
e numerical computation.
Each module has been tested as a separate program to
evaluate both correctness and efficency.
The operations with the system are divided into
orientation and plotting.
The orientation is performed into three steps:
e the operator searchs for approximate homologous
points in all the loaded images and for control points;
e the system refines the seach of the homologous
points by a least square image matching;
e the global orientation is performed by bundles
The procedure determines orientation parameters for
each image and ground coordinates of the points with
their standard deviations. It is possible to fix the
reference system either using known ground points
coordinates or setting proper constrains on the image
orientation parameters. In this way it is possible to set an
arbitrary reference system.
The actual plotting of points in the object space (i.e. the
determination of object point coordinates) is carried out
using a procedure that determines parameters in the
object space by means of suitable observation equations
described in the following paragraph. The operator
chooses a point in the first image moving a cursor on the
screen by the mouse and gives an approximate value for
the elevation Z of the point. The system automatically
gives the planimetric object space coordinates of the
point and determines its height.
If the system is computing the coordinates of a linear set
of points the operator follows the line on the first image:
the system computes in real time the 3D ground point
coordinates and records them with a fixed spatial interval.
The ground points coordinate determination is
monoscopic in the choice of the points but tridimentional
in the results: the operator selects points on one image
and the system "sees" the other images to give the
coordinates in the object space reference system.
Obviously image orientation must be known at this stage.
All the system functions are controlled by the operator in
two ways:
e with the preparation of input files;
e With the interaction during the system operations.
Input files are:
e a session description file, which contains all the
default values for the parameters and the choices for
the different options;
e a file containing approximate or actual (if available)
orientation parameters for all the images;
e the image files.
A set of initial parameters is set up in the session
description file, these include:
e input and output file names;
e least square matching parameters: dimensions of the
local matching window, approximate values and
constrains for the geometric and radiometric
trasformation parameters;
e ground points coordinates determination parameters,
such as approximate slope and object space
discretization steps;
e image orientation parameters: minimum and
maximum number of iterations and convergence test
Each system operation records its results in a specific file
that can be used as input for the following steps.
During system operations all user interactions are driven
by an user-frendly interface; it's possible to change all the
parameters’ values at run time.
4.1 General informations
The matamatical models used for the implementation of
the system are partly very classical and well known and
partly more innovative.
The least square image matching in the image space is
now a standard procedure, and it will not be described
here. It is used by the system to refine the coordinates of
the homologous points before computing the orientation.
Bilinear finite elements are used to interpolate the image
density (or gray values). The image gradient is evaluated
by means of finite differences and interpolated in the
same manner. This procedure is not based on an overall
consistent model, but the results are acceptable for
practical purpose and the procedure is very simple.
The equations for the final plotting are based on a direct
definition of unknown parameters in the object space and
will be described in the next point.
4.2 The equations of local image matching in the
object space approach.
The object surface is locally approximated by a plane,
therefore the parametric equation of the surface itself in
the neighborhood of a point P is:
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B2. Vienna 1996