Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B2)

- software for the developed tech- 
nology included as a part into loading 
- a program package 
adjustment - "Photocom" or 
for block 
The above set of technical means 
actually forms a technological working 
station of the on-line triangulation that 
makes it possible to accomplish at one 
working place and by one operator- 
photogrammetrist all the ^ procedures 
needed for block adjustment including 
the formation of a catalogue of bridging 
point coordinates and parameters of 
orientation for each stereopair. 
Integrated solution of the problem 
providing for control of measurement 
results for each stereopair, for 
elimination of defective points, and than 
their repeated mesurements permits to 
increase reliability and precision of block 
adjustment, to reduce the number of 
forced additional measurements made by 
the results of adjustment. An automated 
way of mark bringing to the chosen points 
and a graphical interface convinient for 
use, all this reduces workload on an 
operator and increase his productivity. 
The developed technology was tested by 
using aerial photography materials for the 
test area and other objects surveyed. 
The aerial photographs were processed 
in the framework of research and 
development program of TsNIIGAIK. 
2.1. Preparation works 
Preparation works have few differences 
from works of traditional technology.But 
nevertheless a special attention is paid to 
an image quality of fiducial marks which 
helps to define their coordinates with 
accuracy 2-3 mkm. 
Projects’ designing consists of carring out 
of two parts of work: 
- to choose and mark zones for forward 
and lateral overlaps; 
- to measure coordinates of centres of 
selected zones on paper photos and 
compiling data file for driver 
STEREOANAGRAPH analytical plotter 
Project designing begins with laying down 
photos on their strips and getting covering 
assembly . After that go on with choosing 
of tie and additional (check, control and 
transformation ) points, that need to 
compute geodetic coordinates. Measuring 
coordinates of zones selected on aerial 
photos by a digitizer is a new procedure 
which allows to automatize following 
procedures of plotting by STEREO- 
ANAGRAPH analytical plotter. When 
choosing a zone it is not necessery to write 
the number of photo because coordinate 
measurings of a point automaticly have its 
unic number inside. Exception to the rule is 
a necessety of giving the number to check 
and control points for their identification 
with a list of coordinates. 
Having chosen zones on the first strip they 
choose points on the second one, here 
points transferred from upper strip are 
appreciated. This procedure stops with 
marking of every second photographs for 
a block (marking zone points that 
participate in adjustment) and laying doun 
of all diapositives and contact paper 
photographs. Mesuring of zone 
coordinates is carried out by the digitizer 
SMP-6410 connected with IBM PC. 
According to software package of project 
designing a screen of computer essential 
commands of consecutive activities on 
measuring of zone coordinates is 
indicated. This Software provides: 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B2. Vienna 1996 
— CS TY 
— o. 
O (D2310 0 25 ro

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