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Civic Addressing for the County of Lennox and Addington 
Rowland Tinline, Susan Holt, Carolyn Fielding 
Queen's/IBM GIS Laboratory 
Department of Geography 
Queen's University 
Kingston, ON K7L 3N6 
Phone: (613) 545-6039 
Fax : (613) 545-6122 
This paper reports on how civic addressing was accomplished for 
approximately 10,000 properties in the County of Lennox and 
Addington in Ontario. The major features of this project included: (i) 
real time mapping of the road network using GPS and Field Notes 
(FM) software; (ii) real time assignment of addresses using "fifth 
wheel" technology on loan from Bell Canada; (iii) address verification 
using a combination of the tax rolls, Bell Canada's service address 
data base and Canada Post's route lists; and (iv) a large component of 
local volunteer help for the preliminary fieldwork. The paper 
describes each of those features and assesses their costs, problems 
and role in future civic addressing projects. 

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