Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B2)

Ackermann, F., Tsingas, V., 1994. Automatic Digital Aerial Triangula- 
ed, 20% tion. ASPRS/ACSM Annual Convention, pp. 1-12, Reno 
» differ- Ganster, W., Xu, X.M., 1994. Aerotriangulation Graz. Endbericht des 
‘time ts Magistrat Graz 10/6. 
omatic Gülch, E., 1995. Automatic Control Point Measurement. 45th Photo- 
n meas- grammetric Week, Stuttgart, pp. 185-196 
IfP, 1996. Automatische Punktübertragung. Institute for Photogrammetry 
(IfP), Stuttgart University. 
S: Krzystek, P., Heuchel, T., Hirt, U., Petran, F., 1995. A New Concept for 
Automatic Digital Aerial Triangulation. 45th Photogrammetric Week, 
Stuttgart, pp. 215-223. 
Mayr, W., 1995. Aspects of Automatic Aerotriangulation. 45th Photo- 
grammetric Week, Stuttgart, pp. 225-234. 
Schenk, T., 1995. Zur automatischen Aerotriangulation. Zeitschrift für 
Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung (ZPF), 3/1995, 137-144. 
Schenk, T., Toth, C., 1993. Towards an Automated Aerial Triangulation 
System. ASPRS/ACSM Annual Convention, pp. 652-660, Reno. 
Tang, L., 1996. Toward Automatic Aerotriangulation. Paper accepted for 
nal Geoinformatics'96 Wuhan, Wuhan, P.R. of China, October 16-19, 1996. 
our Tang, L., Heipke, C. (1993): An Approach for Automatic Relative Orien- 
tation. Optical 3-D Measurement Techniques II., Grün/Kahmen (Eds.), 
Wichmann, Karlsruhe, 347-354. 
Tang, L., Heipke, C., 1996. Automatic Relative Orientation of Aerial 
Images. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, Vol. 62, No. 1, 
Tang, L., Poth, Z., Ohlhof, T., Heipke, C., Batscheider, J., 1996. Auto- 
matic Relative Orientation - Realization and Operational Tests. Paper 
accepted for ISPRS Congress'96, Vienna, Austria, July 9-19, 1996. 
Toth, C., Krupnik, A., 1994. Concept, Implementation and Results of an 
Automated Aerial Triangulation System. ASPRS/ACSM Annual Conven- 
tion, pp. 644-651, Reno. 
| Tsingas, V., 1995. Operationl Use and Empirical Results of Automatic 
66 Aerial Trinagulation, 45th Photogrammetric Week, Stuttgart, pp. 207- 
| 214. 
T GCP Tsingas, V., 1992. Automatisierung der Punktübertragung in der Aerotri- 
idering angulation durch mehrfache digitale Zuordnung. DGK Reihe C Heft 392, 
r a first München. 
loes not 
The high 
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t Stuttgart, 
lings 2nd 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B2. Vienna 1996 

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