Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B2)

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One of the projects is completed and a second is close to 
completion. The other two projects are well under way and on 
schedule. On two of the projects we are supplying 400 scale 
rural digital orthophoto products and 100 scale urban digital 
orthophoto products. For the 400 scale (1:4800) product we 
are supplying two-foot ground pixel resolution images with 
tiled image files in 6000 foot square tiles. For the 100 scale 
(1:1200) product we are supplying 0.5 foot ground pixel 
resolution images with tiled image files in 1500 foot square 
tiles. One of our projects is metric and we are supplying 
1:4800 scale rural digital orthophoto products with 0.64 meter 
ground pixel resolution tiled image files in 2000 meter square 
tiles. For the urban areas we are supplying 1:1200 scale urban 
digital orthophoto products with 0.16 meter ground pixel 
resolution tiled image files in 500 meter square tiles. For the 
fourth project we are supplying 100 scale (1:1200) urban 
digital orthophoto. products with 0.5 foot ground pixel 
resolution tiled image file in 1500 feet square tiles. This 
project is in natural color. 
To complete the above projects, our schedule of production 
required that we have systems operational by August 1994. 
ASI reviewed our production needs and our concerns with 
quality control and decided to install two full Vision 
Softplotter stations and an image scanner. The system 
consisted of two Silicon Graphics Indigo 2XL systems with 9 
Gigabytes (GB) of storage on each, and a Vexcel 3000 Plus 
image scanner. All of the systems were networked with an 
additional X-terminal utilized to operate the scanner. All 
hardware and software was installed in July 1994 with initial 
production commencing on schedule by August. Within a few 
short months we realized that a major problem was the volume 
of data being generated by the svstems during the production 
of digital orthophoto products. The data required an inordinate 
amount of time to backup and restore on a regular basis, to an 
Exabyte 8505 tape system. The amount of drive space 
available required backup of scanned images after scanning, 
but prior to utilization in the orthophoto process. To increase 
production to the needed level, staff and management 
discussed data storage needs. In the spring of 1995 an 
additional 18GB of storage was added to each system with a 
total of 45GB now available on the network; and a second 
Exabyte 8505 tape system was also added. This allowed 
backup and restore functions to occur simultaneously on the 
network. We also added a second 19” X-terminal to be 
utilized for mosaicking. With this system configuration our 
production levels were now approaching break even levels. 
During the process of our hardware modifications, we were 
also in the process of providing feedback on necessary 
software modifications needed to allow more efficient mapping 
production. In late summer 1995 Softplotter release 1.5 
became available providing us with added features and speed. 
Because of our increased delivery schedules being forced by 
four county wide projects active simultaneously, we added a 
third Softplotter system with an additional 18GB of drive 
During our learning curve on the digital orthophoto systems, 
we found it painfully necessary to place into operation some 
quality assurance procedures throughout the digital orthophoto 
process. We already utilized a strict review process during our 
aerial film acquisition, and after this process the film moves to 
contact printing and film diapositive plate production. To 
obtain uniformity in scanning we needed to produce the most 
uniform and clean film diapositives possible. To ensure the 
highest uniformity and quality we installed a second Electronic 
Photo Controls UCP-2 dodging printer to produce the plates. 
We also worked closely with EPC to develop techniques to 
reduce static buildup during film handling that was causing 
dust particles on the plates. This has become a major concern 
because of the need for extremely clean film scans. We have 
also worked with Vexcel Corporation to install an automatic 
roll film scanning system. It is hoped that by using the original 
film with some static reduction techniques we will be able to 
provide even higher quality scans more cost effectively using 
the original film. 
Our approach to training and personnel transition to the new 
systems was as follows. Three prime employees were assigned 
tasks on the system. One computer system supervisor was 
assigned the task of keeping the hardware and software loaded, 
configured and running. Two production employees were 
assigned the task of learning the software, starting initial 
production and training of additional compilation staff. Our 
compilation staff was asked on a seniority basis if they would 
be interested in learning and working on the Softplotter 
systems. By using this technique, each of the employees who 
has been trained on the system wishes to stay working with the 
system. Our initial computer system supervisor 
responsibilities are now being assumed by the two supervisory 
employees. It appears that transitioning of employees from 
conventional stereocompilation to Softplotter compilation will 
not be difficult. Because the Softplotter environment is 
different than the conventional stereoplotter we think operators 
will be more relaxed and comfortable. It will be necessary to 
implement full use of the softmouse for all mapping actions on 
the Softplotter to minimize any possible shoulder, wrist, arm 
and back problems which could be experienced by the 
ASI staff and management meet regularly to review problems 
and solutions to working with the Softplotter systems. We 
hope we can expand their use into our more conventional 
vector mapping areas. We feel that for the systems to be fully 
functional as a replacement for the analytical stereoplotter, it 
will be necessary to have all mapping functions operating 
smooth and efficient. We think that with proper software 
modifications and new computer speed enhancements, the 
Softplotter has the potential to assume all of the functions of 
the analytical stereoplotter in the near future. Additional 
developments with the integration of digital image scanning 
and the analytical aerotriangulation process hold hopes for 
highly increased automation in this area. If Vision 
International continues to aggressively develop Softplotter 
using customer feedback as a “roadmap” to full commercial 
productivity, the future .... bodes well. 
If a company is considering the Softplotter as its next purchase 
we think it is necessary to review the client needs with major 
concentration being focused upon educating them on the use of 
digital image products. Also, all in-house procedures should 
be reviewed and modified as needed to best utilize the system; 
and the purchase of the equipment be limited to best fit the 
short term needs because of rapid hardware changes. Existing 
quality control procedures should be reviewed and modified to 
ensure the highest quality end product; and lastly, the 
employee transition should occur slowly and carefully so that 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B2. Vienna 1996 

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