Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B2)

VIENNA ; AUSTRIA ; 9 - 19 JULY 1996 
SISCAM softcopy photogrammetric workstation 
G.Capanni F.Flamigni 
Siscam srl. Florence Italy 
KEY WORDS: Photogrammetry, 
Calibration, Correlation, Image, Orthoimage, Scanner, Digital, 
With this report we present SISCAM systems in digital photogrammetry field. Particularly are described 
the STEREODIGIT, a digital stereoplotter which presents some innovating solutions and MICRODIGIT, 
a portable stereoplotter which can be friendly used directly on the field. 
SISCAM inherited the long experience of Officine Galileo in designing and manufacturing analytical and 
analogical stereoplotters. 
In this report we describe the solutions to set the stereoscopic vision and the possibilities to extend the 
field of application of the photogrammetric techniques. 
Digital images are used in photogrammetry in 
two different ways. The increasing power of 
inexpensive processing systems allows the 
realization of packages for geometrical and 
radiometrical image transformation. 
This last possibility allows the fulfilment of 
softcopy systems for producing numerical 
orthoimages. The original image is not used 
directly for measuring but is drawn up for 
getting a new image geometrically correct. 
The second method uses digital images for 3-D 
measurements in a fully similar way as images 
on film are used in an analytical stereoplotter, 
i.e. as primary source for generating pairs of 
plate coordinates which, suitably processed, are 
getting the 3-D coordinates of the material 
Theoretically speaking a digital stereoplotter 
does not differ therefore from an analytical one. 
Digital stereoplotters have had recently a large 
diffusion on the market for a better operative 
flexibility, for the possibility of extending the 
field of application of the photogrammetric 
restitution and finally because they can better 
integrate the photogrammetric plotters with 
geographical information systems. 
1. Systems for monocompilation 
In this category the systems which use the 
Figure 1 
image for generating a successive one which is 
corrected for the perspective effects and the 
heights displacements are included. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B2. Vienna 1996 

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