Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B2)

the altimetric collimation because it can work 
1 it is with sub pixel facility; the homologous points 
erical are identified with an accuracy of 
approximately one third of a pixel. 
ligital The main application of the image correlator is 
Xf the the automatic Digital Elevation Model 
collection. This task is very annoying and slow 
if done by an human operator, but for its 
relatively simplicity, no photointerpretation is 
required, can be done by a software. There is a 
"S large request of DEM for the increasing 
diffusion of digital orthoprojector. 
The image correlation procedure is not 
ed by completely ^ deterministic because the 
(over homologous points are identified using same 
e the similarity criteria that can fail in particular 
e one conditions. Therefore it is necessary to join it 
evices with a digital stereoplotter for the control, done 
| costs by an human operator, of the points the 
calculation has classified as dubious. 
e the 
re we Bibliography 
t even S. DEQUAL 
evices Uno stereorestitutore Italiano:lo Stereodigit (S. D.) di 
cation Galileo Siscam. 
C.N.R. IRIS Atti del primo coloquio internazionale Bari 
n grid, 10-12 Novembre 1994. 
ut the Photogrammetrie Vol I 
erably Dummlers Verlag 
F. Ackerman M, Hahn 
Ds: In E/F/H, 43-58, 1991 
on the 
A. Grun, E Baltsavias 
s and PE&RS 54, 633-641, 1988 
rm the 
to a 
of the 
in the 
sion of 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B2. Vienna 1996 

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