Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B2)

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quality control. 
ORIMA-S Standard version for model orientation with 
sequential adjustment, statistical blunder 
detection and on line quality control. 
ORIMA-T Same features as ORIMA-S, in addition 
triangulation measurement and digital point 
ORIMA-TB Same features as ORIMA-T, in addition full 
integrated bundle adjustment program 
(CAP-A). This version is limited to a block 
size of 100 images. 
ORIMA-TE Same features as ORIMA-TB but without 
limitaitons concerning the size of the block. 
The main characteristic of ORIMAs working philosophy is 
the sequential computation during measurement. This 
allows for an early detection of measuring errors. CAP-A 
in ORIMA-TB, ORIMA-TE is fully integrated into ORIMA. 
The same philosophy or sequential adjustment can be 
used for the bundle trangulation with CAP-A. It is not 
necessary to finish the measurement process for the 
whole block before the bundle adjustment is performed. 
As soon as a minimum of images were measured the 
bundle trangulation can be started already. The main 
purpose of the sequential bundle triangulation is to detect 
blunders as early as possible. This allows for easy 
correction of the blunder by remeasurement. Furthermore 
the sequential bundle adjustment allows for a high quality 
digital point transfer between strips. The sequential 
bundle triangulation can be limited to parts of the block. 
This is economical in terms of computation time and it is 
sufficient for blunder detection and digital point transfer. 
For ORIMA-TB, ORIMA-TE the sequential bundle 
triangulation is performed on the same PC in the 
background while the measuring process is continued in 
the foreground. 
In order to obtain optimum results a final bundle 
triangulation including all images of the block must be 
carried out. Self-calibration parameters which are 
provided by CAP-A can be applied also during this final 
computation in order to eliminate systematic 
ORIMA is capable of managing all aspects necessary to 
perform a photogrammetric orientation of a single model 
as well as multi model orientation by block triangulation. 
The functionality covers the measurement of image and 
model coordinates, computation of orientation 
parameters, detection of measuring errors by statistical 
blunder detection, computation of quality criteria to judge 
the quality of the orientation of the model and block, and 
the download of model parameters into the analytical 
workstation. All measurements and computation results 
are based on sophisticated mathematical models and are 
presented in a simple graphical form. As an alternative to 
the graphical presentation, all results are also available in 
the form of numerical listings. Output on paper is 
available for the graphical form and the numerical listing 
form. As ORIMA runs on MS-Windows, its user interface 
follows strictly the guidelines set up for Windows 
programs. ORIMAs working philosophy is the same used 
within other Windows based graphical programs. This 
ensures a short learning period. 
The advantages of ORIMA are summarised: 
e Modular software system (Upgrade is possible). 
Standard graphical user interface. 
Optional continuous quality control. 
Direct model orientation without repeated relative and 
absolute orientation after block triangulation in 
relation with supported triangulation software. 
® Measurements for bundle adjustment are performed 
in comparator mode, but for ergonomically reasons 
searching of point is performed in model mode. 
e Use of rigorous mathematical models: 
- Results of two-step model orientation is identical 
to one step bundle orientation with free 
- Errors of control points are easily edentified and 
cannot be transferred to the photogrammetric 
e Compatibility to major mapping packages 
e Integrated bundle program based on CAP: 
- Increased productivity 
- No input and output translation required 
- [Easy to use 
- Interactive graphical analysis of results 
- Background processing, continuous quality 
control of the measurements 
- Digital point transfer between strips. 
- Direct model orientation without repeated relative 
and absolute orientation saves time and leads to 
absolutely consistent results across borders. 
- Additional parameters are transferred to the Leica 
LMT based analytical workstations, therefore no 
degradation of the bundle adjustment accuracy 
when a model is loaded after triangulation. 
The combination of maesurements and triangulation 
computation on the analytical workstation is increasing 
significantly the productivity in triangulation work. 
The well known time consuming process for blunder 
detection is partly eliminated because errors can be 
detected much earlier during the measuring process. 
Owing to dedicated graphical display of the object points 
and tools like the specialized point editor and the ground 
control editor, the location of blunders in the block is very 
With ORIMA the new orientation management software 
for analytical workstations, Leica offers a state-of-the art 
package in order to increase the efficiency of the mapping 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B2. Vienna 1996 

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