Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B2)

integer systems of the CMOS / HCMOS - VLSI 
technology which have as components, four 
channels for the data collection from the four 
incremental positioning transducers, a data 
processing block, an inteface block with 
pheriphrical devices and a process computer. 
Among the more important characteristics of the 
equipment we mention: 
e measuring field ~8288608 steps: 
e the freqensy of the entrance signal: max 
500 kHz/channel; 
e the number of measuring pathes: 1-4; 
e the speed of comunication for two fields: 
1200 - 19200 bauds 
19200 - 110000 bauds 
The processing computer must be a compatibil 
IBM PC with the following minimal configuration: 
e processor 486 DX4 
e RAM>16M 
e HDD>600M 
e a interfaced network 
The applications program write for AUTOCAD 
has a lot of modulus as following: 
e the absolute orientation modulus (OABS) 
which allow the storage and data processing in 
geodetical coordinates: 
e ON LINE modulus allow the storage. data 
processing and graphical and numeric 
editation from measuring equipments in 
The storage can be realised in 2 ways : 
* point by point: 
+ in continuous flux depending 
on time and space: 
e EDIT modulus - which allows the fast 
editation of graphical informations and 
e the mode of conventional signs application 
(ASC) which allows the semi-automatic 
conventional signs application in acordance 
with the actual atlases; 
e the IMPORT/EXPORT modulus, which allows 
the processing or the import of varied 
compatible card indexes: 
e the interface modulus with varied systems of 
data bases which is possible thanks to known 
medium AUTOCAD 12 specialised on 
photogrametric works: 
e the interaction modulus: computer-operator, it 
is realised with the windows and menues in 
AUTO Desk form, specific to 
photogrammetric applications. 
There are a lot of technical and economical 
problems, which require a dinamic functional 
knowledge, that is a evidence specialised cadaster 
evidence. One of this specialised cadaster is the 
urban cadaster, where I used the technology wrote 
up date. It's about a town, in which the specific 
data of urban cadaster were stored and procesed at 
the photogrametric exploatation instruments, like 
On the basis of stored data. the entities: point, line, 
polygon were changed on cadaster entities: sqare, 
lot, building. atributes specified of the urban 
Mor - The technical instructions of the Stecometer. Dicometer, Metrograph 
and Topocart - Karl Zeiss Jena, Germany: 
I. Sion, O. Balota, Gh. Corcodel - The realisation of the production system for digital 
maps Revista de Geodezie nr.2/1994, Bucuresti: 
G. Petrie - 
The hardware aspects for the realisation of the digital map 
Ph.Eng. and R.S. nr.3/1981; 
M.Mihaila, Gh.Corcodel, I.Chirilov | -Cadastrul general si publicitatea imobiliara 
Editura Ceres. Bucuresti 1995. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B2. Vienna 1996 

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