Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

Figure 4: Perspective view of Loess plateau's parallaxes 
Array Relaxation for Multiple-point Least Squares Match- 
ing (ARMLSM) has the great potential in the practical pho- 
togrammetric systems due to its very high computational ef- 
ficiency comparing with the traditional MLSM. The new for- 
mulation of ARMLSM under the variable weight model pre- 
sented by this paper makes it possible to capture the more 
detailed terrains through the variable weight models which 
are adjustable and followed the expected rule: giving tighter 
constraint weights in flat open areas or poor image inten- 
sity areas and looser constraint weights in rapid changed or 
rich information areas. The preliminary experimental results 
prove its ability to produce high-efficiency and high-quality 
image matching on the general purpose computer, and the 
results also show that very dense elevation models computed 
by our ARMLSM provide the subtle terrain details. Since the 
variable constraint weights can be applied in our ARMLSM, it 
opens a new way for using efficient array algebra technique to 
consider the breaklines, occlusions and discontinuity problems 
during the matching processing. The strategy of choosing the 
constraint weight discussed here is a very simple way, to find 
a better solution for constraint weight models becomes our 
current focus for the further developing of our ARMLSM. 
| would like thank my colleague Maurice Friend for his reviews 
of this paper. 
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