Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

10de, if one 
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| nodes are 
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nct part in 
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1e decision 
egories are 
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bles are se- 
in deter- 
groups of 
ively, error 
ined nodes 
V2:p/100 | 
ide by one 
is created. 
e created, 
this node 
ined node. 
STEP3: Node division through STEP1 and STEP2 
is repeated while there are nonterminal nodes. 
Error tolerance parameter p(%) ensures reliability 
about determined nodes with training data. When 
p is smaller, classification about determined node is 
better and size of determined node is smaller. 
Tests for the design of trees and classification of sam- 
ples by this methods were executed. In the exper- 
iment, error tolerance parameter p was selected as 
3%, 5%, and 7% making a compromise between clas- 
sification accuracy and total proportion of determined 
data. Simulated artificial random data and real Land- 
sat completely-enumerated data were used for the ex- 
periment. The relations between nature of categories 
and tree configuration were checked. Performance of 
triplet tree classifier was compared with usual binary 
decision tree and Bayesian classifiers. 
5.1 Simulated artificial data 
A set of five categories, two-feature data was gener- 
ated by program. Each category had 100 training 
samples and 1000 test samples. The mean vectors of 
the five categories are as follows and illustrated in Fig 
Fig.5 The mean vectors in simulated data 
Example of designed triplet trees is shown in Fig.6. 
A variable was selected in tern at tree node hierarchy 
based on the design procedure. 
Table 1,2,3 show classification results by triplet 
tree and Table 4 and 5 usual show classification 
results by binary decision tree (BDT) and two 
Bayesian method: linear discriminate function(LDF), 
and quadratic discriminate function(QDF). Results of 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
triplet trees is only for samples in determined nodes, 
but result of other methods is for all samples. Triplet 
trees improve performance of BDT. Classification ac- 
curacy and classification reliability are found to be 
equivalent to one step Bayesian methods, by exclud- 
ing indistinct part of data to undetermined nodes. 
Fig.6 Triplet tree for p = 5% 
Table 1. Number of samples in determined node 
for simulation data 
tolerance parameter p 3% 5% 7% 
Number of samples 3106 3569 4014 
ratio (%) 62.1 71.4 80.3 
Table 2. Classification accuracy for determined nodes 
p | CAT1 CAT2 CAT3 CATA4 CATS| Total 
3% | 87.1 26.5 882 940 31.9 82.3 
5% | 89.4 82.1 85.4 82.9 42.6 79.3 
T% | 83.7 30.5 85.1 77.9 39.6 80.3 
Table 3. Classification reliability 
(= 100 — commission_error) for determined nodes 
3% | 83.6 89.5 84.5 82.1 51.6 
5% | 76.5 86.7 81.9 87.5 52.6 
7% | 75.0 79.2 78.5 86.1 48.8 
Table 4. Classification accuracy by BDT, LDF and QDF 
Classifier | CAT1 CAT2 CAT3 CAT4 CATS5| Total 
BDT 40.1 69.0 19.9 64.3 28.2 | 44.3 
LDF 782 794 323377909 51.5 | 74.1 
QDF 78.1 78.0 32.1 79.2 53.1 74.3 
Table 5. Classification reliability by BDT, LDF and 
Classifier | CAT1 CAT2 CAT3 CAT4 CATS 
BDT 69.1 77.6 13.9834 20:5 
LDF 76.0 80.2 18.8 77.8 55.9 
QDF 76.4 80.7 79.2 78.1 56.0 
5.2 Real Landsat completely-enumerated 
A completely enumerated image(Tanaka,1992) was 
used in this experiment. Detailed digital land-use 
data were aggregated to 50m x 50m cell size of seven 
land cover classes, and the synthesis image was built 
by matching these classes for geocoded four bands 

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