Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

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5.3 Summary of the results 
Tree structures which support the assumption and 
sufficient classification accuracy were obtained in the 
tests. Proportion of sizes of determined terminal node 
and undetermined terminal nodes was dependent on 
classification accuracy about training samples and 
specified tolerance parameter p. 
Proposed triplet tree classifier was demonstrated 
that it not only has advantages of general tree classi- 
fiers, but also enables to treat uncertainty of data. 
Samples were effectively classified by the decision 
tree. Moreover, both relations between categories and 
the uncertainty were shown in the hierarchical tree 
Undetermined nodes are introduced as an extension 
of binary decision trees. Data with indistinct feature 
at binary division are classified to the undetermined 
node at each node division. 
Proposed triplet tree classifiers can be widely 
adapted even when adjacent pair of category exists 
or representabilities of training samples is relatively 
Proposed triplet tree was shown to enable classi- 
fication with flexible and effective boundaries. Pro- 
posed design method ensures classification reliability 
in determined nodes about training samples. Classi- 
fication accuracy for determined nodes is almost the 
same to the Bayesian classifiers. 
It was also demonstrated that the hierarchical 
structure can represent the relations of categories and 
uncertainly-classified data part. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
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