Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

ation is reduced to a 
five rows according 
| * U2U1Z»4 * (1 5) 
153 22 ou" su : 
22 1 1 
11 Z12 Z20 Z21 Z22)- 
oordinate systems 
to projective image 
/ vanishing of the 
Ag (Tab. 1) will be 
caused by all point 
dition. In order to 
, the components of 
d originally by plane 
formed to the object 
4). Using (1.1), the 
ical dyadic product 
ER (2.2) 
nponents of Ag by 
| according to (1.4), 
Tab.1: Coefficients of the four functional matrices A; (i=5,6, 7,8) 
A TOW | Zoo 201  Z02 Z41 212 Z20 221 222 a 
Ag 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 
1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 -1 
2 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 
lr ow w uw u$ w uw ww |v 
A; 1 — 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 -1 
2 € 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 
: — wu Uu uj uy uj uj us us uy us us -ui 
Ag 2 omia cum 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 
:|— — w (u-Du uwuj uu wu uu [uu 
As 3 
: —MÀu— 50M r1)uf. wu. wu. uut. (Ua 1)U2 u? -u 
1 0 1 0 0 0 0 
I cL gd 
"|n; na mG MANS Mh Nang nung =O 
t & ddr dd qd Xd 
Because of the fact that det(Ac) results from det(A7) 
by subtracting the first column from the third one, and 
det(A;) results from det(Ac) by subtracting its first 
column from its fourth and from its sixth one, all de- 
terminants are equivalent or in other words, the 
condition (2.1) indicates singularity also for A; and Ag 
(Tab. 1) and vice versa. Therefore the relation 
ard its EATON ne S d pde: Jyies-Quv. vies. ye(Qg-QUY. YeQUy. Ye(Q3- Qv. |=g 
| vias YrQB6Yk  VEQHYk VOL = Y«QUOYK 
ponents equal to 1 “ri 0 
det(A7)= (2. 
Df, nA No NAME NAN is equivalent to the previous condition (2.1). As the 
=a qd & qy da | identic denominators of one row may be cancelled 
NK Ji : FA ii out, (2.4) converts to 
| nik Mick Mange NME MAMA) > 7 À f 7 
a did dy dat dj | y.Quyk. Y, Qi2Yk Y. QooYk Yi Q2¥k V4 Q22Yk =0 
_| Ne MM DRDA Dx — DAD (2.5) 
d; dd dd d d in which the indices of the Q, refer simply to the 
né nn no, —nAnk nn) respective unknowns z, of Tab. 1. It is obvious that 
"^d dd d dd “da; |” (2.3) each component of this final formulation of the initial 
condition det(Ag)=0 represents a quadratic form. This 
Nj Ne MN NAME Nan Y i i 
"pue TES ax od fact will be of particular interest in the following 
K 3 K UC ic C MRUK je discussion. 
di di didi d, dk 
The subdeterminants (symbolized by one row k, 
k=2....7) are composed exclusively by the spatial 
coordinates of the respective object points from which 
the geometry of the critical configuration may be 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
A first inspection of the subdeterminants of (2.3) 
shows that in the case of complete coplanarity, that is 
by means of (1.4) 
yya70. dye 1*(u-1)y *(2-1)yko. ni Hyg 
and hence

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