| scheme is a
| conventional
ulation of the
2, the surface
irough a Hop-
stage , the ob-
natching. The
ly singled out
image and the
)-fine strategy
in 3-D object
ks [8]. [9].
ject matching
vides a more
problem and a
er of neurons,
unit to every
ne weights on
2 Hopfield net
function E.
n, an optimal
ly reflected in
ork. The ap-
iltifarious. In
graph match-
formulated as
gy function is
is then solved
1, a Hopfield
on process to
In [12]. the
as an inexact
formulated in
a [13], ‘thé
mputer vision
es are the hy-
hts. The net-
work is then employed to select the optimal subset of
hypotheses which satisfy the given constraints.
In this paper, the Hopfield net for image matching
is in the form of a two-dimensional array. The rows
of the array represent the features of an input image;
and the columns represent the features of an object
model. The output of a neuron reflects the degree of
similarity between two nodes, one from the image
and the other from the object model. The matching
process can be characterized as minimizing the follow-
ing energy function [10]:
E=— 212221 20 x
+ E Da) + 3 - E (1)
where Vj; is an output variable which converges to
1. 0 if the ith node in the input image matches the kth
node in the object model; otherwise, it converges to
0. The first term in (1) is a compatibility constraint.
The second and third terms are included for enforcing
the uniqueness constraint so that each node in the ob-
ject model eventually matches only one node in the
input image and the summation of the outputs of the
neurons in each row or column is equal to 1. The ma-
jor component of the compatibility measure Cy; (or
strength of interconnection) between a neuron in row
i column k and a neuron in row j column / is ex-
pressed in terms of a function F defined as follows:
Fam = | 1; lead S e
—], otherwise
where 6 is a threshold value and z and y are features
pertaining to row and column nodes , respectively. In
this paper, two different sets of features and relations
will be used for surface and vertex matching, and
they will be detailedly described in Sections ll and
IV , respectively. In general, Cy; can be expressed as
Cap m S M, X Fn og (3)
where x, is the ath feature of the node in row : col-
umn k, y,is the nth feature of the node in row j col-
ume /, and the summation of the weighting functions
W,s is equal to I(i. e. , S Wl). Equation (1)
can be simplified and fit into the energy function
form of a Hopfield network [8] as follows:
E=— i2 DES ZZ
where I,=2,and
T ay = C ay "T ds; = i8u (5)
where 8;;=1,if i— j, and ó;;7 0 otherwise.
Matching can be considered as a constraint satis-
faction process. The global information extracted
from the image provides positive or negative supports
for local feature matching. According to Hopfield and
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996
Tank [10], the strength of the connection between
each neuron pair can be derived from the energy
function. Based on these connections, the equation of
motion for state 44 of a neuron at position (?,k) can
be derived as follows :
dug/dt = SD) Cas à — 2.7
i 253
=D Va val s (6)
Va=9g wy) = [1+ exp(— 2uz/ug)]™* (M)
Since the sum of V 4 on all the neurons at initializa-
tion is constrained to be equal to the number of the fi-
nal desired output, i.e. ,
2, » = N (8)
where N is either the number of rows or the number
of columns of the array depenting on which one is
smaller, we can derive the initial condition for uj
from (7) and (8) as follows:
pq N (9)
In order to prevent the system from being trapped
in an unstable equilibrium in which the voltage of
each neuron is equal, a certain amount of noise must
be added to this initial value. We can rewrite the ini-
tial conditions as follows :
ub md) (10)
V3 = g (ui) (11)
where ó is a random number uniformly distributed
between — 0. lug, and +0. Tug.
The algorithm for matching , based on the continu-
ous Hopfield network model, is summarized as fol-
Input: A set of neurons arranged in a two-dimen-
sional array with initial values V3, where 0<Ci<<
row A _maz — 1,0 k<column_maz — 1, and row _
maz and column_maz are the numbers of rows and
columns in the array, respectively.
Output: A set of stabilized neurons with output
values V4, where 0. 0<CV <1 for 0<CeCrow _maz
and 0<<t<column_maz.
Method :
1)Set the initial conditions using (10) and (11).
2)Set index—]1 and limit —.
3)Randomly pick up a node (i,k).
4)U pdate the value of uy.
5)Calculate the new output of neuron (t,k) as fol-
lows :
Va=g gy)
6)Increment index by 1.
If index <n, then go to (3), else stop and out-
put the final values of all the neurons based on the