Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

the roughness 
mong the ob- 
1 region match 
th the highest 
1umber of ver- 
as the largest 
finally selected 
e pose of the 
ct model is vi- 
ing phase, the 
ained by com- 
vertices in the 
nding vertices 
works to solve 
ence problems 
ed scheme can 
1 process. In a 
of 2-D projec- 
By calculating 
ie input image 
abase ,a set of 
ng score is se- 
| as a coarse 
cted from the 
eld net for es- 
etween the in- 
is phase is the 
that has the 
S with the in- 
bject model is 
inate frame as 
se of the un- 
nethods , there 
d nets for im- 
regarded as a 
veen two rela- 
nplexity is ex- 
speed up the 
look-ahead or 
een proposed. 
ort to manage 
algorithm. A 
its massively 
g problems in 
final states of 
etwork struc- 
is easy to im- 
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