Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

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g. 35 
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of Fig. 9; Fig. 11 The middle part of the original image of Fig. 10; Fig. 12 The synthetic 
brightness image by using the Lambertian model and c,-map, the direction of light source is 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
0° azimuth and 45° slant; Fig. 13 The estimated c,-map; Fig. 14 The improved DTM of 
Fig. 4; Fig. 15 The re-shaded image using the c,-map in Fig. 13 and the same light source in 
Fig. 12; Fig. 16 The middle part of the original image of Fig. 15; Fig. 17 Same as in Fig. 15, 
but change the azimuth to be 135°; Fig. 18 Same as in Fig. 12 but using the Torrance-Sparrow 
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