Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

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Figure 2: Mathematical Morphology Operators 
useful to fill little gaps between border fringes (Fig. 2). 
In this paper we concentrate on the first location step, the 
detection of hatched areas of the map in the raster environ- 
ment. For fulfilling the introduced pattern recognition task 
it is important to choose rotational invariant features taking 
into account all possible orientations of the hatched patterns. 
For that reason simple template matching methods, as e.g. 
(Stengele, 1995) uses for the recognition of characters and 
symbols in a swiss topographic map 1:25000, have to be ruled 
out because they would require the laborious rotation of the 
templates in multiple directions. 
An eyecatching feature of hatched patterns is their typical 
periodical sequence of black and white pixels with an ap- 
proximate constant ratio between the numbers of successive 
black and white pixels. This striking feature is used in the 
recognition process. 
A subset of the scanned DGK5 sheet 'Karlsruhe Weststadt' 
has been chosen (see Fig. 6a) to demonstrate the results of 
the developed raster based approach on a real map example. 
The subset was scanned with a resolution of 450 dpi and con- 
tains approximately 200 x 300 pixels. A threshold operation 
was applied to transform the scanned map data, originally 
ranging of 255 grayvalues, into a binary image. 
The subset represents a residential neighbourhood which is 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
typical for areas close to city centres in Germany. It includes 
residential buildings, outbuildings, and property boundaries 
surrounding courtyards, as well as landuse type boundaries 
marking streets and pavement, characters and symbols de- 
picting single trees and cross points of boundaries. 
Figure 3: Directions of Runlength Vector Analysis 
4.1 Detection of Hatched Areas 
The developed approach is based on the analysis of runlength 
encoded image rows and columns and resembles, in this first 
step, an approach of (Shen/Ebi/Besslich, 1991). In this con- 
nection, the analysis of the 2-dimensional image lattice is split 
up into the analysis of two 1-dimensional signal vectors (see 
Fig. 3). A runlength encoded vector r = (riT2, TR) 
contains the number r; of successive black and white pixels, 
Figure 4: Part of an Image Row 
The runlength encoded vector to the example of Fig.4, for 
instance, reads as 7 = (3, 5, 3, 6, 4)". 
These runlength encoded rows and columns have to be 
searched for areas which contain hatched patterns to cut 
them out of the original image. For that purpose a so called 
hatching-factor h has been created denoting the ratio be- 
tween width of the hatching line and width of the space be- 
tween hatching lines. This factor h is rotational invariant 
because of the well-known relations between similar trian- 
gles. The only problem are hatching lines having the same 
direction as the runlength-vector r . To handle such cases, 
at least one second direction has to be investigated, whereas 
more than one additional direction would probably lead to 
more robust results. 
Subvectors f containing 4 successive elements of the run- 
length encoded vectors r and representing the minimum 
number of hatching lines defining a hatched pattern, are ex- 
amined in sequentially moving ahead run by run. 
F = (ri, Ti-+1, Ti+2, ri43). ; Wm1,... ,k—1. (1) 
(ri, ri+2) = (bi, ba)" 
(rii, Ties) =" (wi, wa)" 
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white pixel runs (3) 
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