Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

Andreas Busch 
Institut für Angewandte Geodäsie 
Frankfurt am Main 
e-mail: busch@ifag.de 
Commission Ill, Working Group 2 
KEY WORDS: Statistics, Vision, Extraction, Mapping, Edge, Pattern Recognition, Robust Estimation, Line 
In this paper models for extracting lines and edges, i.e. linear features, from digital images are presented. The models are 
based on a common mathematical approach. In this connection importance is attached to the automation of the recognition 
of lines and edges. A threshold that is required by the models is estimated by a robust method, i.e. a method that is not 
sensitive to outliers and that requires no assumption about the statistical distribution of the data. Nodes, i.e. junctions or 
crossings, and ends of the linear features are recognized and analysed to improve the results there and to find continuations 
of objects. If we extract both, lines and edges, we are able to find pairs of edges that bound one line object. This yields a 
complete description of a line and a segmentation of the lines in the image. 
An example using satellite image data of SPOT shows that the spectral signatures are suitable for an object-related 
classification, and that it is possible to distinguish different objects, e.g. rivers and autobahns, and to extract them by 
knowledge-based techniques. 
In diesem Beitrag werden Modelle fiir die Extraktion von Kanten und Linien, also linienhafter Merkmale, aus digitalen Bildern 
vorgestellt, die auf einem gemeinsamen mathematischen Ansatz beruhen. Dabei steht die Automatisierung der Erkennung 
von Kanten und Linien im Vordergrund. So wird ein Schwellwert, den die Modelle benötigen, mit Hilfe eines robusten, 
d.h. gegenüber Ausreißern unempfindlichen Verfahrens, anhand der Bilddaten geschätzt, ohne daß irgendwelche Annahmen 
über die statistische Verteilung der Daten erforderlich sind. Knoten, also Verzweigungen oder Kreuzungen, und Enden der 
linienhaften Merkmale werden erkannt und analysiert, um an diesen Stellen die Ergebnisse zu verbessern und Fortsetzungen 
von Objekten zu erkennen. Werden sowohl Kanten als auch Linien extrahiert, ist es möglich, Kantenpaare zuzuordnen, die ein 
Linienobjekt begrenzen, was zur vollständigen Beschreibung einer Linie und zu einer Segmentierung der Linien im Bild führt. 
Ein Beispiel mit Satellitenbilddaten von SPOT zeigt, daß spektrale Signaturen für eine objektbezogene Klassifizierung geeignet 
sind und so Objektarten, z.B. Flüsse und Autobahnen, unterschieden und wissensbasiert extrahiert werden können. 
1.1 Background 
Our approach for extracting linear features from digital im- 
ages is based on the conceptual distinction of lines and edges. 
These basic terms are best explained by an example. For 
instance, we realize objects like roads and rivers in satellite 
imagery as lines, which are bounded by two edges. Since lines 
are formed by two edges, they are more complex objects than 
edges. To both, lines and edges, we refer as linear features 
or linear objects. 
Owing to their different complexity line and edge detection 
have developed separately. A large variety of edge detectors, 
mostly based on linear filtering techniques, is known from 
image processing. They range from classical methods like 
Roberts, Sobel, or Prewitt gradient filters (see e.g. Haralick 
and Shapiro 1992/93, vol.1, p.337) to sophisticated meth- 
ods like Canny (1986) and Deriche (1990) edge detectors. 
However, line detection is usually done by line following (e.g. 
Grün 1994). The disadvantage of these techniques is that 
they are often semi-automatic since a starting point for the 
algorithm is given by an operator. On the other hand it is 
favourable that interpretation of an object is directly done by 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
the operator when selecting a starting point. Other methods 
for finding lines in digital images are related to digital filter- 
ing because they scan the whole image deciding for each pixel 
whether it is a line pixel or not (Busch 1994). A combination 
of both approaches for line detection by using line following 
for improving the results of the second method is promising. 
The goal of this work is the derivation of a common frame- 
work for line and edge extraction. A common model for both 
linear features is advantageous since it leads to consistent re- 
sults and allows linking of lines and edges that correspond to 
one object. It is possible to process some tasks, e.g. threshold 
estimation, for both features in the same way. 
If we stick to the subdivision of computer vision in three levels, 
namely image processing (low-level vision), pattern recogni- 
tion (mid-level vision), and image understanding (high-level 
vision), the main part of this paper belongs to the mid-level 
of computer vision. The approach is suitable for delivering 
salient objects, eliminating spurious details, and for comput- 
ing useful attributes of the objects. For all features and at- 
tributes statistical measures of quality or uncertainty can be 
derived from the image data. They are important for a valu- 
able and complete data flow to the next level of computer 
vision, i.e. 
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