Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

ed. The models are 
on of the recognition 
method that is not 
les, i.e. junctions or 
0 find continuations 
object. This yields a 
or an object-related 
to extract them by 
aus digitalen Bildern 
rung der Erkennung 
Hilfe eines robusten, 
ndwelche Annahmen 
gen, und Enden der 
1 und Fortsetzungen 
2 zuzuordnen, die ein 
_inien im Bild führt. 
issifizierung geeignet 
n kónnen. 
oint. Other methods 
ated to digital filter- 
eciding for each pixel 
994). A combination 
' using line following 
nethod is promising. 
of a common frame- 
mon model for both 
ads to consistent re- 
s that correspond to 
tasks, e.g. threshold 
e way. 
vision in three levels, 
)n), pattern recogni- 
rstanding (high-level 
ings to the mid-level 
jitable for delivering 
ails, and for comput- 
all features and at- 
r uncertainty can be 
important for a valu- 
xt level of computer 
vision, i.e. image understanding. A major aspect of this pa- 
per is the automation of linear feature extraction. We attach 
importance to the fact that control parameters of the algo- 
rithm are to a great extent independent of the image data, 
i.e. they are standardized like, e.g. a significance level. 
1.2 Underlying models 
We use generic models for lines and edges which have a com- 
mon mathematical background. The edge model is a third 
order polynomial function that is fitted to the grey levels in 
an image window. lt is known as facet model (Haralick et 
al. 1983, Haralick 1984). The polynomial represents the grey 
levels as a function of the row and column coordinates in an 
image window and takes the form 
g(z,y) = ko 
+ kizckoy 
+ kan? + kazy + ksy? 
+ kez? 4 kız"y + kgxy” + koy® . (1) 
The coefficients k; are determined by a least squares fit of the 
polynomial in the image window. From this we have derived 
our line model which is a second order polynomial function 
(Busch 1993, 1994) 
g(z, y) = ko 
+ Kız + Kay 
+  ksz® + kazy + ksy® (2) 
The polynomial model offers great flexibility because it can 
easily be used with arbitrary window sizes, and because the 
grey levels in the image window can be weighted according 
to different models, e.g. as in Box or Gaussian filters. Simple 
classical gradient filters, like Sobel or Prewitt, are included as 
special cases. Additionally, the redundancy of the polynomials 
least squares fitting in an image window allows control and 
self-diagnosis of the algorithm by means of statistical testing. 
The decision whether a pixel is an edge pixel or a line pixel 
is made from the first and second order derivatives of the 
polynomial functions and their principal directions. For ex- 
tracting edges we calculate the intersecting polynomial of (1) 
which falls in the direction of the gradient vector. The centre 
pixel of the image window is classified as an edge pixel if the 
maximal absolute value of the polynomial's first derivative 
is located inside the pixel and differs significantly from zero. 
Line pixels are recognized using the intersecting parabola of 
(2) which falls in the direction of maximal curvature. A pixel 
is a line pixel if there is a zero crossing of the parabola's 
first derivative, i.e. if the extremum of the parabola falls in- 
side the pixel and if the parabola's curvature is sufficiently 
large. By this procedure we obtain line and edge positions 
with sub-pixel resolution. 
The models introduced in Section 1.2 require a decision about 
the significance of the absolute value of the polynomial's first 
or second derivative since we want to know whether it is 
different from zero in order to discriminate real details from 
effects that are due to noise. We can do this by hypothesis 
testing which is done individually for every image window, by 
a single threshold that is applied to the whole image, or by a 
combination of both methods. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
2.1 Hypothesis testing 
A classical method for checking significance is hypothesis 
testing. Since it is based on the assumption of normally 
distributed observations it may lead to unsatisfactory results 
when applied to image data where this condition is often vi- 
olated (Busch 1994). Whenever hypothesis testing is applied 
to images it must be checked whether it is sufficient to as- 
sume that the data are normally — or whatever else might 
be prerequisite — distributed. 
2.2 Robust estimation 
We want to estimate a threshold that allows to separate arte- 
facts and spurious details in the image from salient lines and 
edges. Thus, what we need is related to a noise estimate, 
but it is different from thresholding techniques for binarizing 
images (Sahoo et al. 1988). 
The basic idea of the method is to produce an image with 
a lot of noisy linear features and to estimate the threshold 
from the noise then. In the first step we apply the method 
of Section 1.2 using zero as threshold. Hence, the decision 
about the line or edge attribute is made using only the loca- 
tion of the extremum of the polynomial's derivative ignoring 
the derivative's amount. To estimate a threshold from the 
mass of pseudo features produced by this, we start with the 
consideration that linear features in digital images are formed 
by long chains of pixels. Thus, single, i.e. isolated pixels 
classified as lines or edges are due to noise mostly and are 
suitable items for deriving a noise estimate. So we collect 
the derivatives of all single edge or line pixels and take their 
median as a robust estimate for the typical derivative of a 
noisy linear feature. As we are using isolated feature pixels 
our approach is different to the one of Venkatesh and Rosin 
(1995) who consider edge continuity and edge curves to de- 
termine a threshold. To eliminate most of the single pixels we 
must use a threshold which is larger than the median, since 
the median eliminates half of the noise. We see this from its 
Median M : J ples) des = 05 (3) 
Here cs denotes the parameter which is the basis of the deci- 
sion. This is the maximal absolute value of the polynomial's 
first derivative in case of edge pixels and the curvature of the 
parabola in case of line pixels. The index s reminds of the 
fact that the probability density function p represents single 
linear feature pixels. 
By generalizing (3) we find thresholds corresponding to con- 
venient significance levels 
Tw. = Pos: y p(cs) des = 0.90 
Pos : / p(c;) des = 0.95 
Jt oi Poo; / p(cs). de, z 0.99 .. (4)

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