Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

Section 2 are given 
> images again. Ad- 
with sub-pixel reso- 
eps of processing are 
lization process and 
chickler 1992, Busch 
)metimes wider than 
on process that leads 
el. We use a skele- 
r linear features. It 
akes use of their di- 
the topology of the 
' concept of evading 
r stage of computer 
re classified as ends, 
n or cross, or simple 
g process links line or 
de and/or end pixels. 
id or node pixel are 
tor representation of 
and ends now since 
linear feature extrac- 
fail at nodes because 
| to the line or edge 
features that have to 
nd ends we have real 
mage which typically 
s, we have to analyse 
on process there. 
| looking for end pix- 
ct is to find items for 
s. The number and 
ires are helpful crite- 
nportance of a node. 
ur linear features are 
three linear features 
d the direction of the 
atures which are each 
number of incoming 
ondence of opposite 
s from the direction 
may be also pseudo- 
res meet. They occur 
rithm avoids thinning 
lyse the pseudonodes 
ning linear objects or 
recognized using the 
are able to find pairs 
ject, i.e. bound one 
to find parallel edges 
les the geometric ac- 
m this, since — due 
— the line position is 
Figure 2: Detail of a KWR 1000 scene showing two roads 
with extracted lines and edges, 235 x 213 pixels, ground 
resolution ~ 2m. 
Figure 3: Resulting segmentation 
affected by different grey levels on the left and right side of 
the line. So we can use the edge positions instead which are 
more exact. Criteria for evaluating correspondence are the 
neighbourhood, the constancy of the line width, and the di- 
rection of the linear features. After that we have a geometric 
description of the line including its width. We use this for 
the segmentation of the lines in an image, too. An example 
based on data of the Russian KWR 1000 sensor is shown in 
Figure 2 and Figure 3. 
The method described so far is part of low and mid-level 
computer vision since no knowledge about the real objects 
depicted in the image has been incorporated. So it may be 
used to find lines and edges in arbitrary digital images of any 
We want to apply the method to satellite images to extract 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
objects that are relevant to cartography, e.g. roads and rivers. 
Although we know that there are limits due to the spatial 
resolution of operational sensors like SPOT and TM, so that 
only major roads and autobahns can be detected (McKeown 
1994), we think that our example is instructive and shows 
the capability of the methods. Extracting lines from a SPOT 
or TM satellite imagery results in lots of objects that are not 
interpreted, i.e. all that we know about them is that they fit 
to our line model of Section 1.2. Besides the objects we are 
interested in, there is a large variety of other ones, like open 
strips in a wood, long and narrow fields, or long buildings. 
In our example we want to use two kinds of knowledge for dis- 
criminating objects: knowledge about the width of the objects 
and knowledge about their spectral characteristics. Since the 
result of the line extraction depends on the size of the image 
window used for the least squares fit of the polynomial (2), 
we are able to select lines of different width. So it is not pos- 
sible to detect lines of large width with a small window, while 
a large window is not sensitive to narrow lines due to smooth- 
ing. For using spectral characteristics we take advantage of 
the fact that the extracted lines are skeletonized as mentioned 
in Section 3. Hence, we have a representation of their middle 
axis containing only few mixed pixels which constitute the 
crucial point in multispectral classification. Therefore, the 
detected lines are a good starting point for an object-related 
multispectral classification. In our example the knowledge 
comes from training areas that have been marked interac- 
tively by an operator and that consist of detected line pixels 
only. But it is possible to represent the knowlegde about the 
spectral characteristics of roads and rivers in a knowledge 
base. Additionally, unsupervised classifiers (e.g. Schulz and 
Wende 1994) allow further improvement and automization. 
The example is based on SPOT XS data (Figure 4). For 
extracting the river Main that is flowing from the upper left 
corner to the right side of the image we have applied the line 
extraction technique described in Section 1.2 to band 1. We 
have used a window size of 15 x 15 which is suitable for the 
width of the river that varies from 6 to 11 pixels. The signif- 
icance level for the robust estimation method of Section 2.2 
has been set to 1096. Figure 5 shows the result. The small 
part of the river Rhine in the lower left corner of the image 
has not been detected because of if its width of more than 
25 pixels. This demonstrates that the line model (2) allows 
to dinstinguish lines of different width. For all pixels depicted 
in Figure 5 we have gathered the spectral information from 
the three bands so that multispectral classification has been 
applied to these pixels only. The result of the classification 
(Figure 7, bold line) illustrates that it has been possible to 
select the river from the other linear features. 
To find roads we have analysed the SPOT XS image (Fig- 
ure 4) setting the window size and the significance level to 
5 x 5 and 1096, respectively. The three bands have been 
processed independently. Figure 6 combines the results by a 
logical "OR" operator and shows all pixels that have been 
recognized as line pixels in any of the three bands. This pro- 
cedure is different to the one used for the river because the 
width of the roads is close to the spatial resolution of the 
SPOT XS sensor. Thus, we have needed information from 
the three bands, whereas in case of the river it has been suf- 
ficient to analyse one band. In Figure 7 we see the result of 
the classification together with the extracted river. It demon- 
strates that it has been possible to recognize the autobahns 

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