we can define the Hausdorff directions and the dynamic 9-
intersections for directional relations as follows:
q((K,K.)sinfía: K, CK, 9€ R(atz)K,cK, e en [9]
Q(K, Ks KK)
[K,GR(a)^K? [K R(eyn^6éK, [K@R(a,)]°NK;
[K,®R(a,)] "kK; [K®R(«)] NK, [K®R(«)] NK,
KeCpK,OR(«,) Kr K,R(a,) KK, ®R(et,)]
RY, (4 )H &K,nLK, 6R(a ))] £X, AL K,R(«,)] ÉK,NK,®R(a,)T
K;NK,@R(a,)]° K, NÉ[K,@R(a,)] K?[K,®R(a,T
where the K®R(«,) means relevant dilation by the closed
angular bearing R with angle «, , and the Re (o) means the
dynamic 9-intersection for directional relations with parameter
a, from K, to K, . Based on equations [10] and [11], we also can
derive dynamic topological relations by using the different
parameter «, .
Similarly, according to the derived dynamic topological
relations by the dynamic 9-intersections of equations [10] and
[11] with different parameter «,, we also can simply get the
Hausdorff direction p(K,,K,) (or o( K,, K.) )between two closed
sets K, and K, by calculating the minimum and maximum
dilated angles based on equation [9]:
9 (KK, )2max(min(a,), min(a ,£z)5
p(K, K )=p(K, KR, yen
100][000] [111][011] [oor] [oor][111][1*1
95,5 (6,)7] 010 1010 |001 001 |, OTI S | ITT} 01 v *1L E. [12]
| 001 ||001 | [001||001| [001] |001||001||001
100 |[000] [100][000][000| [010][110|[1+0
Rean(«,)= 010 || 010 |, |100 || 100 | 010 |, |010 {100 || #10 |
; 001 |[001| [111 |[111 |[111} [111 |[111 }[111
k when
equal contains convers
where "*" means either empty (0) or non-empty (1). The
binary directional relations derived by [12] are also suitable for
different types of spatial objects and their combining types.
Some examples are shown in Fig.5.
3.3. Order Relations between Sets
Formal methods for the description of order spatial relations
can be based on mathematical theories of partially-ordered sets
and lattices. The use of greatest lower bounds and least upper
bounds for describing order spatial relations shows that we
need a lattice in order to find an answer in all possible cases.
Since not every partially-ordered set 1s a lattice, it is, however,
always possible to add elements to a partially-ordered set to
create a lattice. The process of normal completion specifies how
to find the smallest numbers of elements necessary to add to a
partially-ordered set to create a lattice, ie. to build the
minimal containing lattice of a partially-ordered set. The
general descriptions of order relations can be found in Kainz et.
al. [1993]. In this paper, we emphasize to study the problems of
the detail classifications of order relations and their integration
with other kind of spatial relations.
Based on metric and topological relations, order spatial relation
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996
(a) _P(AB)=& (e) 4
7 € N v Ep, 5x iid N
{ è À I $234 2 B X
i A Bii AC IB } A $5 A ap }
NL L4 p. \ '
E re @(A, B)=as elt A
7 s.
{ 5i
S ei
Doi J pain, (54 MA PEU à
po x p Ä ~ L0
7 B GC \ B t0 B X B Ó
: A
1 ; i
; Q }
^ A ; A X Aa=21 A
BG : z =
Fig.5. To obtain the Hausdorff distance and directions between two
planar sets 4 and B.
can be classified to the three kinds, i.e. distance orders (such as
the areas of regions or the lengths of lines), directional orders
(such one spatial object at left/right or in front/behind to
another one), and topological orders (such as one spatial object
is inside another or its inverse operations whether a spatial
object contains another one). Let N be the greatest lower bound
and U be the least upper bound of the completion lattices, Fig.6
shows. some examples of lattice resulting from the normal
completion of order spatial relations measured by distances,
directions and topological covers.
4.1. Metric Relations between Subsets
According to the fuzzy set theory [Zadeh, 1965], the concept of
distances or directions between subsets are fuzzy, since the
spatial objects may contain many subsets, the distances or
(a). distance orders
Jars az
70 rio2 5
(b). directional orders
(c). topological orders (v)
HG (A) (B)
A LN 419
Fig.6. The classification of order spatial relations.
directions be
just by a sing
as the coveri
numbers and
R^, we can
case with th
the changes
and line len
estimate the
can quantita
For reasons
closed sub-r
for estimati
o, (195:
o, 0-1
where A(*)
with the rt
the parame
called the s:
An exampk
is shown in
4.2. Distan
In a space
between ob
the path crc
does not ci
between a
possible co
intersect th
called the "
distance d,
p, and p.
linking p,
the descri
geodesic €
distance fi
distance d,
distance b
distance b:
1991; Lant
The geode
space X ar
empty con
compact s
pe (KK,