Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

6K =6K =0K,®e, 
K =6K U(K,-5K) 
K-«(8K, HK OK 
Fig.6. Space segmentation of fuzzy 9-intersection model 
S. - ue, K:) u(GK, eK) u(&K, K;) [3] 
u(K 0K) n(K nek) u(K NK) 
where the K, and K, are given two closed sets; the generated 
fuzzy sets in consideration of data positional uncertainties are 
defined as dR =0K, =X. ©¢ , K,=0K, AK, 5K,), KK)' 
UK USK) and K:=(5K,)"(K,-58K,)°; and pu(*) is a 
kind of metric functions which are used for deriving the fuzzy 
memberships based on the generated sets by logic intersections. 
For different purposes, the function u(*) may take the different 
forms as used below. 
Since the object feature caused uncertainties of spatial relations 
can solved by using Hausdorff metrics between sub-sets [Chen 
and et. al, 1995, 1996] we only discuss the problems of 
conceptual and positional uncertainties of spatial relations in 
this paper. For reasons of simplicity the spatial relations 
between closed regions discussed in this paper only, related 
models for estimation of conceptual and positional fuzzy 
membership functions are defined as following sections. 
4.1. Conceptual Uncertain Relations 
For deriving conceptual fuzzy topologic relations, such as weak 
meet and strong meet which were discussed in the section 2.1, 
we can use the fuzzy 9-intersection model by selecting 
£=0 and K=K, then choice the following u(*) to calculate 
related fuzzy memberships from object A to B: 
Line length: u (Gig Cd I [4] 
Area size: WARE EICH [5] 
0, when *=¢; 
is #)— , > 
Others: u( ) h when *z; [6] 
where " * " means logically intersected sets, £(*) and A(*)are 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
the line lengths and area sizes. Generally the binary topologic 
relations between objects A and B derived by equation [3] are 
not symmetry , i.e. S usually is not equals to — ,,. 
According to the fuzzy set theoretic operations [Zadeh, 1965], 
we cans either use union Max[u( 4,B),u(B,A4)] or intersection 
Min[u(A,B),u(B,A)] of two fuzzy memberships to integrated 
deriving fuzzy topological relations. For example, to calculate 
the fuzzy topologic relations of Fig.l(b) by using the union 
fuzzy memberships, we can get following results for left and 
right figures respectively: 
the left figure in Fig.1(b): 
9.91 0-0 
e soo031l, X908 1|; 
1 1 
ted 8, 0 | 
Max(5$,,,5$,,)4 0 008 1 
the right figure in Fig.1(b): 
p NEP gel Out 0 
eo 10923 1|, 2 «0079.1 
1 od | 
haul 0:50.01 
Max Sa day) 0 0.79 1 
à... | 
For deriving conceptual fuzzy metric relations, such as near and 
far, we can firstly use the fuzzy 9-intersection model to generate 
uncertain set K, based on given fuzzy membership functions, 
then use the uncertain object K, as instead of the general object 
K, to calculate Hausdorff metrics between uncertain sets or 
sub-sets [Chen and et. al., 1996]; After that we quantitatively 
estimate the conceptual fuzzy membership functions between 
uncertain subsets by using the 1(*) in equation [3] as follows: 
AA NB) pu, (x,y) 
Solid volume:  u(4°NB°)= [7] 
AA) p(x.) 
; _[0, when *=¢; 
Others e ve [8] 
where "*" means logically intersected sets, u,(x,y)is the 
given fuzzy membership function for description of uncertain 
metric concepts, A(*) is area size of logically intersected two 
objects, and u(A4°NB°) is calculated fuzzy memberships of 
derived uncertain spatial metric relations. 
4.2. Positional Uncertain Relations 
For deriving positional fuzzy topologic relations, we can use the 
fuzzy 9-intersection model to generate uncertain set K, based 
on uncertain e£ -band, then choice the following u(*) to 
calculate rel 
where +" 
the minimu 
positional u 
topologic r 
equation [3] 
eO s ACCO 
1965], we « 
Fig.7. Fu 
Fig.8. Fc 
For describ 
(such as li 
relations, v 
positional 1 
as K=K¢ 
separate tl 
between 1 
uncertain | 
calculate F 
o (A) 

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