Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

function approach and 
to Cho[1995]. 
a tree, two well known 
and forward checking. 
problem is rather large. 
> unit primitives. Tree 
5 and explores fruitless 
els of a tree have many 
terested in ordering the 
tives with fewer label 
the tree. 
stency of current unit- 
low the current level in 
ire is modified to be 
m in this study. While 
el pairs, the modified 
number of valid future 
s stored in a 2-D table: 
label primitives. At the 
ward checking sums up 
t-label pairs. The total 
ird checking is utilized 
>s of a stereopair differ 
, difficulties in feature 
:lational matching must 
ng must be controlled, 
is a cost function. If the 
to nils, the total cost 
ides a trivial solution. 
does not contribute any 
«tent of its usage is not 
el pairs that benefit the 
cheme utilizes the A* 
ering and the modified 
tching problem reaches 
\* search is selected in 
ching scheme employs 
d forward checking and 
ge to reach the solution 
] up the convergence of 
is are locally matched 
tion is achieved using a 
illustrates the entire 
ching scheme. 
s the line primitives in 
oh some matched pairs 
r matched pairs, there 
arge search window, 
onding features. These 
s: a geometric approach 
e affine transformation 
airs. It is assumed that 
criptions is small or 
imitives. The detailed 
ha 1996 
1. Compute the affine transformation between two sets of 
matched end points. 
2. Estimate the residuals in y coordinates between the 
original points and the transformed points and compute 
the standard deviation of residuals in y coordinates. 
3. Eliminate the points whose residuals in y coordinates 
exceed three times the standard deviation. 
In this approach, the y coordinates of the matched points are 
only considered because the x coordinates correspond to the 
object height of the points. 
While the geometric approach is designed to detect the 
blunder-like mismatches, the radiometric approach is to detect 
mismatches more rigorously. The  radiometric approach 
employs the correlation technique using the normalized 
correlation coefficients for the matched end point pairs. Any 
matched point pairs satisfying the condition p < po, 
are eliminated from the set of conjugate point pairs. The 
correlation coefficient threshold p is set to 0.6 in this 
To assess the feasibility of the proposed relational matching 
scheme, a software prototype was developed and experiments 
mies il 
Feature Extraction 
| 2-D Binary Relation Construction 
from 2-D Tree Technique 
Node Relations 
Match Node Relations 
by A* Search with 
Modified Forward 
D Checking 
No >. Node Relations 
| User Defined | 
Base Vector 
| Base Vector 
Compute the Variation of 
Geometric Attribute Values by |: 
Analytical Function Approach 
Creating ; 
Initial Matched Pool | 
Unit Ordering |: 
Local Relational 
Matching with 
Global Consistency 
Modified Forward Checking: 
Globally Matched 
Compute the Relative | 
Orientation with | 
Matched Corner Points, 
Figure 5: Flowchart of the proposed matching scheme. 
with two stereomodels have been performed. Because of a 
limited space, the author describes one of data sets used, and 
reports and analyzes the major results. All computations, such 
as generating image pyramids, image subsampling, feature 
extraction, and relational matching were performed on an 
Intergraph workstation InterPro 6000. 
The stereopair consists of two digitized images depicting the 
campus of The Ohio State University at a scale 1: 4000. The 
diapositives were scanned by the Intergraph Photoscan with a 
resolution of 30um. An image pyramid was generated using a 
Gaussian kernel. Images with a resolution of 512 x 512 pixels 
were used to extract corner points and straight lines. Figure 6 
shows the stereopair superimposed with corner points. 
4.1 Feature Extraction 
Corner points and straight lines were extracted from the images. 
For the Forstner interest operator, f = 1.5, q = 0.75, 97% 
confidence level and 7x7 window size, also for nonmaxima 
suppression. The linear straight lines were obtained by the 
straight line extraction algorithm developed. There are four free 
parameters required in this algorithm: minimum line distance, 
norm distance, and gradient orientation and magnitude 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996

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