Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

nts after mismatch 
ost Benefit 
ction function 
6 103 
> 44 
1 44 
orientation from the 
with two evaluation 
erator. As shown, the 
vere less accurate than 
e results of automatic 
cel accuracy, which is 
to be used as a means 
hly accurate matching 
ive orientation. 
nefit Analytical 
ction plotter 
44 9 
‚618 90.586 
450 -2.393 
). 175 150.341 
647 0.604 
210 -1.327 
2.168 359.064 
12.6 10.3 
)4.5 4.5 
yo evaluation functions 
e matching problem, 
ion. As shown, the 
ovided reliable results 
urban area images 
repetitive pattern by 
s between two straight 
eme, locally consistent 
isistent solution. From 
of obtaining a solution 
ermore, the 2-D tree 
) the tree search and 
iciently. Implementing 
the modified forward 
ching reach a solution 
functions in relational 
n performs little better 
ie domain of the image 
obtaining an initial 
ith little rotation was 
d that the distinct and 
1a 1996 
prominent relations such as node relations were a good way of 
solving the initial approximation problem. Despite the limited 
experiments in this study, the results confirm that relational 
matching successfully deals with many problems in urban area 
This research, however, showed that there were some 
problems in relational matching. First, the computation 
expenses are too heavy to obtain the solution in a reasonable 
amount of time, compared to existing matching methods. Since 
relational matching is a combinatorial optimization process, the 
computing complexity is inevitable. Second, it behaves ina 
poor manner when there are no conjugate features in a set of 
features. Finally, the relationships between primitives must be 
well constrained one another in order to achieve a reliable 
solution. A highly abstract contextual information is a key to 
reaching a reliable solution. 
From the experiments in this study, the following issues are 
identified for future research. 
e A feature extraction algorithm which detects and interacts 
well with the physical boundaries must be explored. As 
shown in this study, wrong matches are always acquired 
when there are no corresponding feature primitives. 
e The higher the abstraction of feature description, the better 
and faster the relational matching reaches a solution. A 
way of acquiring a high level of abstraction of feature 
description prior to relational matching must be explored. 
e Some attributes in the primitives and relations are 
orientation variant. In order for the proposed relational 
matching scheme to be implemented for more general 
cases, those attributes should be replaced with orientation 
invariant ones. 
e In this study, two descriptions are realtionally matched. 
The proposed relational matching scheme can be extended 
to match more than two descriptions simultaneously so 
that it could be utilized for multiple image matching 
problems such as automatic aerotriangulation. 
e The computation complexity of relational matching in the 
form of a tree must be reduced by investigating other 
existing search methods such as relaxation technique, 
maximal clique and simulated annealing. 
e The proposed relational matching scheme implemented in 
this research has the potential of being used for updating 
maps, object recognition and navigation. Further 
investigation and developments are required in the near 
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International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 

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